In Russia, actions have been taken against the possible transfer of Japan to the Kuril Islands.


On January 21, Japanese Prime Minister Sindzo Abe will arrive in Moscow to continue negotiations on the kuril.

  Japan does not recognize that Russia is a member of the islands south of the kourous Ridge / Eugene Kaspersky via

Japan does not recognize the island of Russia the southern part of the Kuril Ridge / Eugene Kaspersky via

In Moscow, a rally on Suvorov Square, approved by the Moscow authorities, was supported by a number of leftist and nationalist organizations. About a thousand people supported the action, according to Liberty Radio.

Some of the speakers, especially the president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Leonid Ivashov and the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vsevolod Chaplin, urged the authorities not only not to override the Kuriles Japanese, but "to grow with new lands", including Ukrainians.

"The Crimea is a good counteroffensive, but it is not enough The capital of our former Russia – Kiev has been lost and must be returned, as well as the lands surrounding it", said Chaplin.

Most speakers also called for the resignation of the government, but did not mention President Putin's speeches in his speeches.

According to "Sibir.Realii", a meeting in Khabarovsk was approved against a possible transfer of part of the Kuril Islands to Japan and the construction of a nuclear cemetery on the territory of Primorsky gathered about 500 people.

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Activists "Another Ross yi" also held an action near the Japanese consulate in Saint -Petersburg. One of them would have been arrested.

Pickets against transfer of Kurilles were also held in Nakhodka and Kaliningrad

On the eve of South Sakhalinsk, about 300 people rallied for uncoordinated action against the transfer of Kurils from southern Japan . "Sibir.Realii" reported an inmate.

Japan does not recognize the affiliation of the islands of the southern part of the Kuril Ridge – Iturup, Shikotan, Kunashir and Habomai. Russia and Japan have not yet signed a peace treaty after the Second World War because of the controversy over the affiliation of the islands

November 14, 2018, after the meeting between the leaders of the Russia and Japan, spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced his intention to return to the 1956 declaration, according to which Moscow would agree. transmit to the Japanese side two of the four islands. The Russian Foreign Ministry subsequently declared that the signing of a peace treaty was based on the recognition of Russia's sovereignty over all the Kuril Islands. On 21 January, Japan's Prime Minister Sindzo Abe is expected to travel to Moscow to continue negotiations.

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