Director of "Arena Lviv": on the stadium problems, the matches of the national team of Ukraine and the concert of Sting


The Arena "Lviv" has recently announced a tender for the replacement of the lawn, which has never been overwrapped after the opening of the stadium. Joe The director of "Arena Lviv", Yuri Mayboroda, explained about the new cover, the reasons why he now modifies the amounts allocated on the budget for the maintenance of the arena, or has managed to to reduce the debts of the stadium and that represented an income in 2018.

– In the end In 2017, the commission on the problems of "Arena Lviv" began to work. what are the results?

– It meets periodically, discusses problems, proposes a solution. Frankly, I take into account the commission's decision, focus on it. But I'm thinking more about how to improve something based on the current situation. I would have talked not so much about the work of the commission as pragmatic things that concern "Arena Lviv". There are two components in my situation. The first is a strategic perspective, the second is the immediate plans that need to be implemented now. At first I was locked in a strategic perspective. This was the need to adopt a Cabinet of Ministers resolution on changes to the construction project. Before that, I tied everything to the next. But stopped doing so because it is very difficult to take it from a practical point of view.

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Why do you have to make changes to the construction project? The stadium costing nearly 3 billion hryvnias was put into operation by about one-third. The first step was the conventional name of what could be put into service and the rest was not completed, partially paid. All this friend queuing And this makes the project so much worse that it is unrealistic to enter the stadium. Therefore, it is necessary to make changes, to reject anything that aggravates the project and without which it is possible to do something, then to move on and consider the future with trust.

To do this, you must conduct an audit and a thorough examination. But there is a political question here. If all this is done, then "go up" to the top of many "ugly" things and the competent authorities will open criminal proceedings. And the consequences will be numerous. From a practical point of view, therefore, there is little chance that such a resolution will be adopted.

If that comes into play, then there is no point in working for the company because there is no prospect. The Arena is already built, it has a good European level. It would be a sin for this farm to continue to collapse and wait until everything collapses. Threats to the stadium are numerous. We decided to spare no effort to safeguard and correct the situation in this situation. A team that works, hope somewhere in me. So, "hitched up" as much as I can.

We already have positive things. What do they express? Almost almost decided to fund the lawn replacement project. It is a complex and very important issue. Price – 7 million hryvnia. This was announced at the announcement of the call for tenders. In fact, you need 8.5 million. But $ 7 million is in the department's budget and they should be allocated. The call for tenders has already been announced for major repairs. If everything goes as planned and there will be no major force problem, we will start on March 1st to replace the lawn. On March 10, this work should be completed, ideally. We have also managed to optimize the use of energy. We have invested money and have the following situation: last winter, in "Arena Lviv", 8 000 kilowatts a day were consumed, but about 4 000. We reduced half the energy consumption, which is still money.

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There are also a number of elements that, at first glance, are not important. We manufacture turnstile cutlery. When people enter the stadium, they help to avoid groupings. If European Cup matches or "Ocean Elsey" level concerts take place, when a large mass of people, they must be, because it is the safety of people. Dissectors who submitted to the Euro-2012, because of the judicial proceedings, we must remove them. In fact, we do not have them already. We make ours and they are even better than those who were. There are other court decisions that result from various demonstrations of raiders. In particular, kitchen equipment. We try to prevent the loss of state property. Acting under the legislation

I think that during this year we will be able to align the financial situation. We must thank here the Ministry of Youth and Sports, which understands the economic situation in which was the "Arena Lviv". At the end of the year, 2.5 million UAH were allocated to the repayment of debts resulting from the heat consumption of previous periods. This is also very important and improves the situation.

The strategic question, namely the introduction of amendments to the resolution, remains topical and will have to be resolved. In principle, the Minister understands the need for such a resolution. But this must be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

– Last year, Finance Minister Danyliuk categorically refused to allocate funds to the stadium. Have funds been allocated after his retirement?

– Even when I was working at the head of the sports administration of the Lviv regional administration, I had suggested that the ministry make "Arena Lviv" the list of bases of Olympic training. This suggestion was accepted. This allowed the ministry to support the stadium.

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– How much is he talking about?

– About 300,000 hryvnia, this amount rising to 320-330,000 a few months. This year, it is estimated at 4.8 million . It is an important support. There was a redistribution of unused funds, was the direction where there were savings in the department. In agreement with the Ministry of Finance, we transferred $ 2.5 million.

– More funds have been provided?

– Only that $ 300 to $ 320,000 a month, which he talked about. They went for energy. We have always had the opportunity to buy simulators. What we could have on the basic status of Olympic training. We, as for the base, expect that we can have football, weightlifting and archery. We can organize and organize shooting competitions at the bow, and the archers themselves wish it. They had the opportunity to buy them shields – a consumable material they constantly need. It was expected about 620-630 thousand on simulators, and the same on shields. But they failed because they did not have time to conduct tendering procedures.

– How much does it take for 2019?

4.8 million already mentioned. All the rest must be won .

– $ 7 million for a new lawn – where are they registered?

– The department managed to budget for these funds. We are therefore confident that we can receive them.

– Where are the hopes?

– Minister Igor Zhdanov has lent his support. In addition, the president of the FFU, Andriy Pavelko, wants to create a new lawn. Because Andriy Shevchenko, head coach of the Ukrainian national team, insists that the first home selection match for the Euro 2020, June 7, takes place in Lviv. Although there will always be risks because the lawn can not be right now. It takes at least a month to get used to it and then look back .

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– Two different totals were made during the last year. Debt "Arena Lviv". Vice President of the Lviv Regional Council, Volodymyr Hyrniak, spoke to about 707 million people. The sum of 417 million euros was appointed by the Minister Igor Zhdanov. What is the amount of the debt?

– These are virtual debts. They exist formally, in fact they are not in the state Arena Lviv. They were handed to us. The actual client of the construction was DP "Zakhidinfraproekt". What was the debt "Arena Lviv" transferred to the first tranche. Therefore, they rely on us, but they are not ours. Now this amount is 714,305 million euros. For this amount, there is a fine and we pay these funds, they are not important . I am waiting for a decision as to when this debt will be charged to us because we did not form it.

– In the second round, it is also virtual figures?

The first round cost 1,148 billion hryvnias and the second round -1.85 billion hryvnia. $ 334 million in the second round are underfunded. Therefore, you must perform an audit to determine what is done and what is not. It is necessary to check the quantity and quality of work done. The cost to date (all amounts called "Lviv Arena" construction costs correspond to the dollar exchange rate in 2012 – Ed Note), and what has not been done. When I started working, I learned that the audit would cost about 2 million hryvnia. As if these funds represented billions, it was not much money and the department could find them. But everything rested in politics.

– Is the problem of its own substation solved?

– I proposed to Oblenergo to take it on his behalf and use it. But the head said that there were such debts and that it did not interest them. They are probably interesting, but the situation does not allow it. It's a continuation of the problem you're talking about. This substation has a capacity of 20 megawatts and is capable of providing two Sykhivs (a common neighborhood in Lviv where more than 200,000 people live – see Ed.). It is not put into service and does not belong to us, so we can not dispose of it ourselves.

– How much revenue and expenditure were spent on the state enterprise "Arena Lviv" in 2018?

– The latest calculations are in preparation. report for the year. Without depreciation (26% of fixed assets) the cost is about 20 million hryvnia and income of 20.5 million hryvnia (at least not less). We even have a small advantage.

– In one of your interviews, you stated that the cost of field services is 50,000 hryvnia per day …

– C & # Was a confusion for the journalists. Now warm up the field in bad weather, when frost and snow cost up to 30 000 hryvnia. 50-60 thousand of this can be the stage "Ukraine". They have electric heating, but we have a special liquid. His main concern is to overclock and maintain that much cheaper. We have the best heating system. When the stadium started doing this, they also considered using electricity, but it was very expensive.

– Why did they decide to put an artificial lawn?

– Many media do it, but it's not an artificial, but hybrid lawn. This is an artificial base of artificial and natural threads. They put it in, fill it with special soil and sow the grass. The natural yarn turns and the growing grass, intermixed with artificial, will serve longer, cause less damage and become more stable. Herbal care, haircut – everything stays as before. For now, there will be a 3.5 cm artificial base, the latest technology used in stadiums at the Qatar World Championship. In Ukraine, Shakhtar has created such a field at the base of Svyatoshino.

– Will the cost of maintaining the lawn diminish?

– Not much cheaper, because the lawn is flashing, is not used for the first year, but it is three times more expensive and less effective. as well as a completely natural field. This technology will make the lawn more qualitative and more sustainable, which will allow to play twice as many games as before. Two teams can be installed.

– Talking clubs about establishing a new lawn?

– Our agronomist, Viktor Nishuk, is very competent, cares and experiments the lawn, constantly consulting Shakhtar's employees in the fact that they have already built such a field. But to indicate if this was to be done, there was no doubt that it had to be done.

– This is the third call for tenders. Why have not the previous ones arrived?

– Hard to say, I was not there at the time. There is now understanding and support from the department. When I told them the problems they faced, there were times they did not know. Impolite things like a debt of 2.5 million hryvnia for heat. It was a discovery for the ministry.

– The lawn will not be earlier than March 10. And FC Lviv must play in February. Did you tell him about this situation?

– He has not spoken to any of the clubs yet. For me too, no one has addressed. Even if they apply, I always work according to priorities. Now, the priority is to replace the lawn and allow the team to play it. This is the most important task and we are asking for it. We perform the tasks we have under the contracts, we do not have a contract here.

– FC "Lvov" is there an agreement?

– We do not have a permanent contract with them. Agreed separately for each match

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– During your tenure, the FC "Kapati" discussed the stadium rental. But on the basis of practical considerations, and the Carpathians, Lviv FC should have little effort to sit down and agree to use the stadium as a home game. The economic benefits are on the surface. If they reach an agreement, it will benefit everyone. They will be able to do it during the cold period of the year, when the Carpathians should spend 50 to 60 000 hryvnia a day to heat themselves, and here a maximum of 20 to 30 and even a division by two.

– What will be the cost of renting the stadium to 2019 in a match?

– I am told that the cost of a match was 250,000 hryvnia, but I accepted the stadium with a cost of 180,000 hryvnia. As a result, in 2018, there was no reason to increase the price because there were already agreements. In 2019, we will have to increase costs. The amount of 180 000 hryvnia is economically unjustified. How will the clubs react? We will find a consensus, we must survive. We also charge 25% of the number of tickets sold. We will offer and defend the bar at 250 thousand hryvnia per game. As for the European matches, it is from 450 thousand.

– How much does the budget relate to sporting events?

– If we had not replaced the lawn and the game of the national team of Ukraine, we had planned on June 6 a concert in Sting. He will be in Poland and plans to come to Lviv. I had to refuse . But the idea is not buried. We could have income of about 1.5 to 2 million hryvnia. For the event with Nick Vuichich, we received about 200,000 people. Last year for a concert won 200-250 thousand hryvnia. In 2019, we plan as follows: if the stadium is involved in a half (half a cup), then 400 to 500 thousand hryvnias; if all the stage (complete bowl), then 1 million. We must develop, not just survive.

– The Lviv Regional Council did not support the call to transfer the stadium into the balance of the region. Are discussions in progress?

– I did not participate in the previous negotiations and I do not take them now. But my opinion is about the region and the department. My opinion was and remains unambiguous. As long as there is no audit, I do not see the content neither of the region nor of the city nor of the private investor take the stadium in a state in which many things have not been solved. There is a big flaw in the debts, so someone who takes the arena is not wise. But when it comes to paying off debts, the business will be interesting for everyone. And they will fight for it. For now, we must thank the state for keeping everything and helping to keep it afloat.

– The journalist of "Football" has caused the transfer of the match "Arena Lviv" to NSC "Olympic", denouncing the lack of technology of the goal line stadium …

– This n & Is not true. Such a system has been installed. I do not know why it started. The system is here! A month and a half before the match, prevention cameras were taken, but they were set to the maximum – the day.

Stanislav Bezushko was in contact

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