Europe will completely abandon gas in the near future, – the director of "Naftogaz"


In consultations on the eve of tripartite negotiations on the transit of Russian gas, representatives of the European Commission announced the possibility of completely abandoning the use of gas for ten years.

Yurii Vitrenko, commercial director of "Naftogaz", reports "Interfax-Ukraine".

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Yuri Vitrenko said that such a decision in Europe can really be adopted in order to show leadership in the field of emission reduction

One of the scenarios currently under study by the European Commission is that Europe will completely abandon the natural gas consumption in the near future and that the gas industry, in 10 years, will completely abandon natural gas consumption. That's what they really expressed,
said Vitrenko

. In addition, he added that for households and industries dependent on gas consumption, switching to other sources of energy may take longer.

However, Yuri Vitrenko said that the Ukrainian side did not expect a serious agreement on the future contract on the basis of these negotiations, Russia having ignored the meetings of experts devoted to technical aspects the new transit agreement.

January 21st in Brussels. udetsya second round of gas talks in a trilateral format – the Ukraine, Russia and the European Union. They will discuss the issue of the continued transport of Russian gas via Ukraine to the EU next year. Meanwhile, we lose both in transit and when buying blue fuel.

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