How charity: the founder of the water rose from "club rat" to CEO


At age 18, he left his conservative Christian home in New Jersey to travel to New York, where he became a promoter of discotheques. There, he led a life of excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, model girlfriends and Rolex watches.

"This led to a life that looked good but rotted inside," Harrison told Poppy Harlow of CNN in a recent episode of Boss Files. "There was a betrayal, a break with any kind of spirituality, morality or virtue that I had when I was a child, and fortunately I had that moment, at 28, where I came across my senses and said, "Oh! that's it, I'm the worst person I know. "

Harrison, 43 years old now and founder and CEO of Charity: water, who has raised over $ 360 million for drinking water supply projects to think about his legacy.

"If I continued in this direction, there was a good chance I would die before the age of 40. I mean, if I had just had a party like that, I might not be able to live yet. my headstone might even read: "Here it is a club rat that has lost a million people." "

It's at that moment where he had an epiphany: And if he sold everything and started again?

Harrison decided to volunteer for a year and submit petitions to Peace Corps, UNICEF, the Cross, American Red, Oxfam International and other organizations.But he did not have the proper experience and was denied by all.

So he paid $ 500 a month to join Mercy Ships , a non-profit organization that operates floating hospitals and provides health care and other services to communities in need.

Harrison has joined Mercy Ships on a trip to war – torn Liberia and spent two years in West Africa as a photojournalist, documenting the work of doctors, surgeons and nurses. organization in the field.

"I would go to the villages, I would see children drinking in swamps, there is really no other way to say it: the green water filled with Algae, disgusting.And the children left their house with these buckets of jerricans and they filled them, and I watched children drink water that I would not have let my dog ​​drink, " Harrison recalls.

Meanwhile, Harrison met Dr. Gary Parker, a surgeon who explained to him how much clean water could help the world. "He said …" The water makes more sick people on this planet than all the wars, all the violence combined … of course, you can help us finance the next ship of 50 or 60 million dollars, or you can give drinking water to everyone. "

Parker inspired Harrison to form a charity: Water, a nonprofit organization that provides drinking water to millions of people in developing countries.

" Today's # Today, 663 million people live without safe water and actually drink dirty, disgusting water that puts their lives and those of their children at risk. That's one in ten people living, and we think that number should be zero … it's the beauty of water, it's a problem that can be solved, "says Harrison

Spread the Message

Harrison launched the charity "Water in a Nightclub" on his 31st birthday.

"J & I drew my friends there with the open bar [an] and I said: 'When entering, you have to donate $ 20 and we will build two water projects and I will show you are the proof. And it was really the beginning. "

Since its launch in 2006, more than a million people have donated to a charity: the cause of water.The organization has funded more than 30,000 projects of drinking water in 26 countries, giving close to 10 million people access to safe water.

The organization allocates 100% of donations from the public directly to the financing of Drinking water supply projects, explains Harrison.

"I thought that if we could promise that 100% of every donation would always go directly to helping people get clean water, that would eliminate the need for water. Most common objection, "he says.

Private funding and partnerships with companies and foundations help cover the organization's operating costs, such as salaries and premises to offices.

One of the keys to charity: the success of water lies in its ability to tell his story via social media, explains Harrison. The association uses crowdfunding to build and repair wells and disseminates images of the work done in the villages on its website and on Facebook.

Harrison's work has attracted people's attention. In 2014, President Obama invited him to the national prayer breakfast and highlighted his life and work. "It's the kind of promotion we need more, it's the kind of faith that moves mountains," Obama said.

"Whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent, whether you are Jewish, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Mormon, regardless of religious or religious differences politically," says Harrison. "People can get together and hear about clean water."

Harrison says that he wants to continue to develop the business. Last year, he launched The Spring, a subscription service for people wishing to make regular donations of $ 60 a month.

Harrison also recently published a book titled "Thirst: A Story of Redemption, Compassion and a Mission to Bring Clean Water to the World". Looking at what he has accomplished so far, he acknowledges that his experience in promoting clubs has really helped him tell the story of charity: water today.

"Actually, I see things as if I were inviting people to a party, I was inviting people, uh, to pass … There is no rope of velvet.I had the doors open for anyone.But come to this party where you give yourself generously and you see the impact of this gift, "he says.

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