Ukraine and Israel have agreed to a free trade zone – Money


The parties expect the agreement to reduce the cost of goods

On Monday, January 21, President Petro Poroshenko and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyag signed an agreement on a Free Trade Area between Ukraine and Israel . 19659003] The signature of the document in question took place in Jerusalem.

Poroshenko described this day as "historic", because according to him, the agreement on the retail sales tax had been in preparation for 50 years.

"For many years, hundreds of bureaucrats have been trying to prepare this agreement, which will improve the lives of our countries," said the Ukrainian guarantor.

According to Poroshenko, this agreement will help reduce the price of Ukrainian products in Israel and Israeli products in Ukraine. 19659003] According to the press service of the President, the agreement will promote inter alia the development of bilateral trade and economic cooperation between countries, will allow domestic producers to benefit from the liberalization of the market of state goods d & # 39; Israel and will offer opportunities to Ukrainians. E company for the expansion of the market and for the development and modernization of national production

Recall that the work of developing the document began in 2015. Negotiations for the establishment of a Free Trade Area between Ukraine and Israel completed on 28 March of last year approved the signature plan of the document itself.

According to estimates by the Ministry of Economic Development, Ukrainian exports to Israel will increase in the near future, as well as Ukraine's trade surplus with Israel will improve.

The Cabinet approved a draft free trade agreement with Israel in November 2018.

Video The Ukraine and the United Kingdom may create Zone of Free Trade

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