Єvrokomіsіya zaproponuvala Ukrainian transit contract for the transit of gas – January 22, 2019


The European Commission has proposed to Ukraine to conclude an agreement on the use of its gas transportation system for at least the next ten years.

This was reported in the press service of NAK Naftogaz Ukrainy.

Read also: Under what conditions can Ukraine sign new gas agreements

According to Vice President of the European Commission for the Energy Union, Maros Shefchovic, a transit contract for Russian gas may be concluded after 2019.

According to the European Commission's proposal, a new Russian gas transit agreement must be concluded. responsible for 10 years or more and provide volumes likely to interest a European investor of high reputation,
commented Naftogaz.

It is noted that the European Commission would like to maintain the transit volume of Russian gas through the Ukrainian GTS.

What do we know about the difficult relationship between Naftogaz and Gazprom?
On February 28, 2018, Stockholm arbitration ordered Gazprom Russia to pay to Naftogaz Ukrainy the failure to provide the agreed gas volumes for transit. On March 2, Gazprom announced the termination of contracts with the Ukrainian Naftogaz. On March 5, the head of the Russian company, Alexei Miller, said Gazprom had officially advised Naftogaz of the termination of gas supply and transit contracts via Stockholm arbitration.
Nevertheless, Gazprom's current debt to Naftogaz consists of two parts. In particular, according to the Stockholm arbitration decision on the sales contract and transit of an amount of $ 2.56 billion and more than $ 6 billion on antitrust claims issued by decision of the Ukrainian courts. In the recalculation of hryvnia, the amount rises to more than 220 billion dollars.
The Ministry of Justice announced that it had already implemented the first debt recoveries. We started with Ukrainian assets. Total assets found on 100 million hryvnia. This represents less than 1% of the reported antitrust debt of $ 172 billion. And the Justice Ministry says that it is not the end, and continues to seek Russian money in the domestic market.
Under a decision of the Stockholm arbitration, Gazprom will not be able to get rid of the $ 2.5 billion debt. Indeed, in 2009, when the Russians signed a contract with Ukraine, the Stockholm court was appointed as the main arbiter of disputes and disputes. The decision of this authority came into force on February 28, 2018. But up to here, Gazprom has not paid a dime to Ukraine. A late payment day costs half a million dollars in interest.
Russia is currently building the Nord Stream 2 and the Turkish stream to supply gas to other countries bypassing Ukraine.

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