Elections in Turkey: lists of more than 6,000 voters over 100 years old


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The lists are those of Aisi Ekichi, aged 165, who was born in 1854.

  1000 registered voters at the same address / photo: UNIAN

1000 voters registered at the same address / photo: UNIAN

The Air Force reports that

According to the Turkish opposition, the authorities handle sputum.

The Republican People's Party and the People's Democratic Party mainly found fake lists of voters in areas where the ruling Party, Justice and Development, had lost with a slight vote difference in previous elections.

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Yes, more than 6,000 voters registered over 100 years old. For example, the list was hit by 165-year-old Aisi Ekichi, who was born in 1854 under the Ottoman Empire and was first recorded. The list also includes Zulfa, 149, and Ayza, 148. Remember that the oldest man officially registered on Earth is 116 years old.

There are also common examples of strangely numerous numbers of people registered at the same address. For example, one of the apartments had 1,000 registered, many in empty houses, on construction sites or on the fifth floor of a four-story building.

The number of voters has also increased sharply in Chankiri district, where the number of voters has increased in one year. 95%.

We remind you that in March, local elections will be held in Turkey. Opposition parties have asked the electoral commission to investigate their data.

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