Scientists have explained the nature of hallucinations in humans at the last minute of one's life


One-third of survivors of clinical death recount their experience of death. As a rule, in their hallucinations, there is a dark tunnel with a light at the end, followed by their loved ones or deities. The effect of "going out of one's own body" is also noted. Scientists have explained the possible cause of such phenomena.

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All of these experiences give people assurance that their existence, even after earthly death, will have a continuation that is the basis of most religions on Earth.

Scientists in neurobiology have suggested their explanation for such dying hallucinations. For this, the researchers divided them to the right and left: the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain causes a feeling of flight and the right is responsible for the emergence in the spirit voices, music, images of people or minds.

However, despite the apparent explanation of these visions, scientists can not explain what mechanisms are responsible for the appearance of such hallucinations. According to one version, such vision is the result of the release of endorphins, which are actively emitted into the blood in response to stress.

Another theory is hypoxia. In the absence of oxygen, people often see hallucinations. The pilots describe similar symptoms in severe overloads, when blood flows from the brain and that there is an acute lack of oxygen, which disrupts the work of the temporal parts of the brain responsible for the processing of visual information. and hearing.

The most original theories – the brain death theory "According to her, hallucinations are caused by substances that release dead brain cells, as well as by their chaotic neuronal impulses.

Researchers in the United States Low, from Germany and the United States used computer models based on neural networks to reconstruct words and phrases by reading signals to the brain For this they were monitoring parts of the brain at times when people read aloud, uttered words or simply listened to recordings

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