The United States is waiting for Russia to start changing its behavior


  The United States is waiting for a change in Russia's foreign policy - Pompeo
The United States is waiting for Russia to start changing its behavior. Photo: Golos

The United States expects Russia to change its foreign policy, including Ukraine

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said at a conference call of participants at the International Economic Forum in Davos, report the "European truth".

"We are waiting for Russia to begin to change its behavior – whether in Ukraine or in the work that it has done to influence the elections here in the United States, to influence elections around the world. This is not the behavior of a country that wants to be part of the international community, "said Pompeo.

Cretaro said that Russia and the United States are not condemned to be eternal rivals, as during the "cold war".

READ MORE: Why Ukraine Has an Unfavorable Contract for the Transit of Russian Gas

According to Pompeo, the United States also expects the Russian Federation to return to "the right way to go" that will lead to "rule of law, order and freedom."

"If they do, I am sure our countries can prosper and grow, we are not bound to be antagonists, we can do more." , – added the secretary of state.

Kr The Earth is trying to scare the United States with the alliance with China. Although it is not the Americans who fear, but the Russians to fear.

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