Anne Hathaway decided to tie alcohol to her son


The famous Hollywood actress Ann Hateway told the Ellen DeGeneres show that she had decided to tie alcohol.

A 36-year-old celebrity made such a decision after visiting his colleague Matthew McConaughey. The actress said she drank rum all night along with her husband, McConaughey and his wife Camille. And in the morning, I felt such a hangover that I decided to stop drinking forever.

"I stopped consuming alcohol in the fall, I decided not to drink alcohol over the next 18 years. not drink until my son lives with me.I do not like the way I do it and the son now has that age, when I need him especially in the morning. " day, I took him to a children's garden and I was not driving, because I had a terrible hangover and that was enough for me. "I did not like that ", explained Hethway

A little earlier, it had been reported that the American economic magazine Forbes had summarized the results of 2018. Thus, the editorial and publishing experts have decided on a list of issues. Hollywood actors having to raise the ratings of any project, ie it was revealed which of the actors would benefit from inviting producers to their projects and those who do not. have not done.

For the calculations, the data were collected on films presented by at least two thousand cinemas. And also for actors who have worked for the last time with paintings, which are not more than 12 months old. The calculation was done from the last three movies where the actors were busy.

It turned out that the most upgraded were Matthew McConaughey, who played in the dark tower (with only a paid dollar, creators only paying $ 1.1), Christian Bale played in the movie "Power "($ 1.5) and Matt Damon, who appears for a few seconds in" Deadly-2 "($ 3.7).

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