Today's National Day, Gregory Litovacznik, January 23: Beliefs and Signs



On this day, mainly for the preparation of spring work and preparation of grain and stocks. Much was associated with the field, so today, we have turned to the spirit that lives in the hay on the stages and in the hay, it has been called a stork. It was believed that he was well treated and with care, he would not let different rodents go to the master's provisions. Therefore, in Grigori, Litovatnika entered the field and it was customary to bow to the scales in which the spirit supposedly lived. He was thanked for the work he had already done and left him a dining room loaf.

Moreover, our ancestors believed that certain dreams were realized and that they had well-defined meanings. To see a blacksmith or forge means to break the health while working. If you dream of a star, a sun or a moon, this person will live a hundred years. If you swim in a dream – in business will be confusing. At the same time, it was thought that good dreams would come true in 2 weeks and the worst in a year. Most likely, this dream will come true, those born that day.

In addition, it is thought that cooking meat dishes is a good sign, so you will have good health all year round. Today, it is forbidden to transport garbage and ashes, otherwise you risk losing your happiness. There is also a belief that if today bypass three times against the sun of haystacks, then you will become rich this year. To be sure, you had to take a handful of hay into a pile and bring it home.

Signs and Sayings

  • Today's weather indicates weather in October
  • Clear weather prophesies dry, hot summer
  • Dry snow – This summer will be a dry summer
  • If there is a lot of snow on Gregory's snow – there will be a lot of bread
  • If the day of Gregory the Litovatznika blows the south wind, there will often be storms and rains in June.
  • The first drops of the day of Gregory promise a hot summer
  • If the cloudless and clear sky is in the early spring
  • If the weather does not extend until the evening, the weather will be soon ruined.
  • If frost is visible on hay and trees, then summer will be cool. him and rainy.
  • Born January 23 will differ good health and strong will. Wear them should be chalcedony or chrysoberyl.

As previously reported by, it is possible to know our fate this week for all the signs of the zodiac in our weekly horoscope.

Remember, drinking tea or coffee without removing a spoon from a cup is considered a bad tone. However, some signs necessarily force you to take a spoon into the cup. Znaj.iia reported that archaeologists have discovered the bloody legacy of Stalin, the contents of the cache shocked the world.

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