NATO explained how to react to the Russian threat in the Black Sea


The North Atlantic Alliance is concerned that Russia is building its military potential in the Black Sea region. In response to this, NATO triggers actions in the region.

This was announced by the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, the organization's official website.

See also: Capture of Ukrainian seamen: NATO has launched an important appeal to the Russian Federation

Yes, Stoltenberg has maintained a joint press conference in Brussels with Georgian President, Salome Zurabishvili

"NATO and Georgia share concerns regarding the strengthening of Russia's military capabilities in the Black Sea region."

However, organizations are already taking concrete action in response to threat.

We are under We strengthen our cooperation at sea, including the formation of the Georgian Coast Guard, the cooperation between the naval forces of NATO and Georgia, as well as between the joint center of naval operations in Georgia and the naval command of NATO,
– added the Secretary General

in this Stoltenberg declaring his support for the territorial integrity of Georgia, called on Russia to abolish recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and withdrawing its troops

By the way, the former secretary of the National Security Council and the Defense, Alexander Turchinov, said that Ukraine was preparing another passage ships across the Kerch Strait. Such a passage could take place soon with the participation of OSCE representatives and international organizations. According to him, for Ukraine, it is fundamentally. Otherwise, Russia will fulfill its task of seizing the sea of ​​Azov by bringing to the world the new sea borders defined by the sea, legalizing de facto the occupation of Crimea.

What caused the escalation of the conflict in the Azov region to the Black Sea? November 25 The Kerch Strait was lining an attack raid of Ukrainian army troops. It is known that two small armored Ukrainian artillery boats and raids were conducted in accordance with international standards from the port of Odessa to the port of Mariupol

However, Russia said that Ukrainian warships would have illegally penetrated into the temporarily closed waters of the Russian Sea. and continued their movement towards the Kerch Strait.

A group of Ukrainian ships continued their journey to Mariupol. However, during the exit of the Kerch Strait, Russian border ships opened fire on Ukrainian ships, injuring six Ukrainian soldiers. Russia also seized two Ukrainian ships and captured 24 Ukrainian sailors, who were subsequently arrested in occupied Crimea and taken to SIZO Moscow.

Ukraine then introduced a military state in the 10 oblasts until 26 December. In addition, on November 30, Ukraine banned the entry into its territory of Russian citizens aged 16 to 60 years

. Russia is also blocking, for the first time in the sea of ​​Azov, foreign ships going for the first time to Ukrainian ports. As a result, the Ukrainian economy suffers considerable losses.

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