Protests in Caracas: Venezuela rebels against President Maduro: details, photos and videos


In the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, on Wednesday, January 23, thousands of people left to protest President Nicholas Maduro . Residents reacted to the call of the opposition, which does not recognize the election result that Maduro has chosen the head of state for a second term.

The head of the Venezuelan Parliament and the leader of the opposition, Huang Guaido, then introduced themselves as a new president in place of Nicolas Maduro. According to the Associated Press, he was supported by the National Assembly, naming a "transitional" state leader. Huaido was sworn in at an opposition rally in Chakao district in Caracas.

What Happens in Venezuela:

  • Thousands of people demonstrated in Caracas against President Maduro re-elected for a second term.

  • The opposition leader, Huang Guayido has declared himself new president.

  • Eleven countries were recognized as such: Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia, United States, Canada, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Guatemala.

  • Under Maduro, Mexico, Russia and Uruguay.

  • Beginning of protesters fighting with the National Guard.

    October 23: OBOZREVATEL offers a chronicle of demonstrations in Venezuela:

    23: 50 The Venezuelan Defense Minister wrote on Twitter that the army had not supported the proclamation of the new head of state. The National Guard introduced armored vehicles into one of the neighborhoods of Caracas, where protesters rallied.

    22:48 Venezuelan protest reversed on the Internet: the social network Instagram deletes a verification control of the official account of Maduro.

    22:43 Juan Guadido responds to Maduro's statement. United States: relations with any country in the world will not be broken.

    22:36 Spain refused to comment on the proclamation of the new president until a common position was adopted . . ] 22:30 In support of Juan Guaydou, of Guatemala .

    22:28 Army and the militarized police of Caracas massively left their posts and dispersed in front of the protesters.

    22:20 Maduro announces the dissolution of diplomatic relations with the United States .

    22:15 Maduro stands out from the balcony and says that only the people can choose the president. He said that the United States had attempted to carry out a coup in the country. "I give them 72 hours to leave the country" – he says.

      Maduro s 'expressed from the balcony

    Maduro s' expressed from the balcony

    21:58 Russia refuses to recognize the new president, insisting on the legitimacy of the Election of Maduro

    21:52 Ecuador and Costa Rica associate with the support of the new government in Venezuela

    21: 45 The list of countries supported by the Acting Head of State was published in Chile .

    21:39 In the city of Barinas controlled by Maduro, the army opened fire on the protesters. nykah. There are wounded and at least 4 dead.

    21:28 Protesters began throwing stones and bottles at the National Guard. Venezuela's National Guard used tear gas. The collisions started.

    21:25 Argentina, Paraguay and Colombia joined the United States, Canada and Brazil to support the new interim president of Venezuela.

    21: 18 Brazil recognized the new government of Venezuela

    21:12 Mexico declared that Maduro is still recognized as president of Venezuela.

    21:00 [1965]. US Secretary of State Mike Mike Pompeo called on Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro to convey power to the head of Venezuela's opposition parliament, Huang Guaido.

    "The people of Venezuela endured catastrophic suffering In the former dictatorship of Nicholas Maduro, we urge Maduro to pave the way for a legitimate leader who represents the will of the people of Venezuela, the United States support the President Guadino in the formation of a transitional government that will govern Venezuela as the country prepares for free and fair elections, "said Pompeo. ] Michael Pompeo "data-src ="×2000 "data-large-src =""/>

Michael Pompeo

Voice of America

20:37 The Secretary General of the Organization of American States declared that he also recognized that Guaido was President of Venezuela.In addition, Paraguay and Canada expressed their support for Guaido, who assumed the authority of the President of Venezuela.

20:25 US President Donald Trump already recognized Guaido as the leader of Venezuela, reported to the White House.Trump also said that he would use all the economic and diplomatic tools to "restore democracy in Venezuela"

  Huang Guaido was sworn in

Huang Guaido was sworn in

18:16 During the day, protesters chanted: "Freedom, freedom!" According to one activist, the economic crisis in the country became unbearable: "Today, we must all save our homeland."

Demonstrations against the president captured Venezuela in 2017, but were repressed by the security forces. Now, the opposition has expressed the hope that the security forces will always be on the side of the citizens and will contribute to the resignation of Maduro

. Many countries, including the United States, have labeled Maduro an "illegal dictator" and supported the creation of a new government.

"What we are witnessing is a unique historical moment We were preparing for the fight of the past 20 years, this is obviously the biggest danger point for all Venezuelans and the moment of great responsibility for those of us who know what is on the map, "said on the eve of opposition leader Maria Korina Machado. In turn, Maduro supporters called for protests in response, calling opposition leaders "terrorists" and accusing them of "selling Venezuela to the United States." "The imperialists and oligarchs are desperately trying to control Venezuela directly," said Maduro.

According to the publication, more than 3 million citizens have left Venezuela in recent years because of the political and economic situation.

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