Epiphany spoke of the mass transition of parishes and the reaction of the Russian Orthodox Church


Metropolitan Epiphanius, rector of the CPU, said that the Russian Church continued to face a fierce confrontation with the Ukrainian church.

This is reported by "The Wave".

"The Russian Orthodox Church will resist, it does, does it and will do it." In addition to his attempts to persuade other churches not to recognize the Ukrainian, Moscow is trying to sow discord among Ukrainian believers, he said.

At the same time, the Metropolitan said that the Russian church is not the first time to intimidate Ukrainian parishes that are still under its control. However, before and after the reception of Tomas, no force acts under the protectorate of the representatives of the CPU, as it was not the case.

"We now ask all Orthodox in Ukraine to unite around a single autocephalous Orthodox Church." Of course, this process will take time, and especially because we want it to be peaceful and based on love and mutual understanding, so we do not set the timetable, we must establish the right spiritual foundation. "Unlike those who are hostile to us, we are obligated All kinds of controversies must be forgotten, as Christians open their arms and say that we are now ready to peacefully build our common future." The future of our church ", – said the primate

. He added that in the territory of Ukraine, there will remain a number of parishes faithful to Russia's Orthodox Church. Epiphany says that the CPU will not influence or attempt to participate in Russian parishes.

"It makes sense and we have no objection to that." The Russian Orthodox Church can take care of its believers in Ukraine and those who choose to stay in the Russian Church should not be subjected to any kind of pressure. with those who belong to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and little by little, I think, our relations will normalize, our peoples will restore friendship, good and peaceful relations ", – convinced Epiphanes.

Recall that the captive capitulary of Moscow drove the believer through the Ukrainian

As reported "Znay.ua", Putin suddenly recognized that Tomas had put a cross on a fable about the "peoples fraternels "

" Znay.ua "also wrote that Patriarch Filaret was outraged by the new name of the PCU. [19659002] The Way of the Metropolitan – Exclusive Interview with the Mother of the Chief of the Epiphany CPU [19659011] [ad_2]
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