Odessa News – Under Odessa, astronomers built their own telescope and discovered several asteroids (video)


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Specialists have manufactured at the observation post even a mirror for a telescope, its diameter is 80 cm.

  A unique telescope under Odessa in the sky. / Screen Capture - TSN

A single telescope observed under the sky of Odessa / Screen Capture – TSN [19659004] Near Odessa, in the sky, look at the largest telescope -astrography of the continent, created in Ukrainian

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That's what the TSN narrative says : astronomers built a telescope with their own hands, almost without the use of industrial components, he even made a mirror at the observation station. Diameter – 80 cm

A telescope photographs the sky and the computer processes digital photos. Scientists explore celestial bodies and, in addition, closely monitor Earth's artificial satellites and space debris. Unless there is a collision of fragments with artificial satellites, the experts are constantly relying on the orbiting of space objects. The data is provided to the European Space Agency.

Astronomers have already discovered several unknown asteroids with the telescope in orbit "Gaia"

The first telescopes of NASA had photographed the brightest comet of 2018. Comet 46P / Wirtanen approached the Earth December 16, at a distance of nearly 12 million kilometers, 30 times farther than the Moon.

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