The State Tax Inspectorate is declared ready to carry out a visa inspection in Russia


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The border guards are confident that they will have no trouble deciding to create a biometric visa regime with the Russian Federation.

  SBGS is ready for a visa regime with Russia on biometric passports / UNIAN

STSU is ready for the biometric visa regime with RF biometric passports / UNIAN

Oleh Slobodian, assistant chief of service Border guards from Ukraine, states that the agency ready for the introduction of a biometric visa regime with the Russian Federation

Read also SBGS strengthens the border control with Russia

According to the UNIAN correspondent,

Slobodian said that he was not able to comment on the statements of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, on the biometric visa regime, as the State Border Service operates within the limits of powers and decisions taken at the state level. "But we are ready for this type of control, which means that if the decision is made, the citizens of the Russian Federation will not only use foreign passports, but also foreign biometric passports." We are fully ready to implement this decision. Because, first of all, we are already working with biometric instruments since 2017 and, second, we are working with biometric data from 2018. Therefore, it is difficult for us to have such biometrics control, there is no one, "Slobodian said.

According to him. , currently the number of Russian citizens

As UNIAN reported on January 18, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said his office was already preparing for the introduction of a regime of biometric visa with the Russian Federation, but that required a political decision. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has estimated that in case of introduction of a biometric visa regime with the Russian Federation, it would take about 70 Ukrainian consuls.

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