Interview with the oldest member of the country, the Voice 9


Lydia Goroshko, age 68, about the inspiration and power she gives to singing.

The singer Dan Balan admired what she had been fascinated by Tina Karol One of the brightest participants on the first day of auditioning on Voice on blind of the country-9 has become a well-known folklore and the people of Lydia Goroshko. Although the artist managed to hit Tina Karol and bring her into the team, Lydia's life was marked by many defeats.

In the '90s, she encountered a number of disadvantages: her husband's betrayal, the tragic death of her son, the severe depression and lack of funds. The former stage star, music teacher and member of the famous folk group, was forced to sell the cake on the market

When it seemed that Lydia Goroshko's fate was finally diverted, he completely transformed the dream. A strict voice told him to sing again. The artist listened and found the strength to reactivate everything. He created his own folk ensemble in the neighboring village, which became known not only in Ukraine but also abroad, and received the title "Man of the Year" in his hometown.

In an interview with, Lidia Goroshko confessed happy to sing again because today is the meaning of her life.

I sing, apparently, from the womb! At least then, I heard the song and since childhood, I fell in love with it. Singing gives me inspiration and strength.

Kseniya Bahchalova: Interview with a Voice of the country-9 member According to folklorists, participating in Voice of the country has become an interesting adventure for her.

"Friends advise for a long time to take the participation They said, they say, Lydia Fedorovna, how many competitions have traveled, is not it time for television? I answered – and where in my age, what are you! He reasoned for a very long time and finally agreed to try.After all, in my life, there were a lot of nice tears and sorrow.I wanted to add a kind of good and sparkling spark. "

Lydia Goroshko does not regret her decision:

" I am very happy, for me, the voice of the country is a real celebration and a great Even though Tina Karol did not come back, it's still a win.The most important thing is that I'm here on this stage.The performance has encouraged me not to give up.

I hope to become an example for those who have talent but are afraid to share it. already received such a gift from God, do not hide it.

The artist adds that it is the listeners who do not allow him to feel alone and that the song erases the memories of all the troubles.

See the performance of Lydia Goroshko – I am your Cossack on Golos of the country-9:

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