The 9 most unknown secrets of your body


Have you thought about why the human body does certain things and if they are really vital?

Although we spend our whole lives there are still many things we do not know about our body!

Why do we have fingerprints?

We all know that our fingerprints are so unique that two people can not have the same fingerprints, even identical twins. But what is the main purpose of these patterns on people's fingers? For many years, scientists thought that fingerprints existed to help people take things, but it turns out that fingerprints actually allow a smaller portion of our skin to come into contact with people. objects that would not have done with perfectly smooth fingers. Therefore, they have nothing to do with this explanation. While there are several theories about the evolutionary goals of these unique fingerprints, including the fact that they protect our fingers or bring sensitivity to touch, scientists have still not been able to determine the ultimate goal of fingerprints, explains Ukr.Media.

Why we have an annex

This body, which still causes a lot of controversial feelings to many people. It is associated with pain and its elimination has absolutely no effect on our body. It seems that the appendix poses many more problems than it can be useful. For many years, scientists at Charles Darwin have agreed that even if the ancestors of the plant that ate needed an appendage needed for digestion, there was only a remnant of evolution and did not fulfill the real function in the body of the modern man. . However, recently another theory has become more popular in the scientific community. She says that this pipe-like body actually contains and protects a number of good bacteria. We will have to wait to see if this theory is confirmed and the appendices will get agrutus for their own benefit.

Why are we dominated by a hand?

We are so used to having a dominant hand and identifying people as being "right" or "left" that we probably accept as obvious. But when you really think about it, the fact that we have one hand with much better features than the other seems a little strange. Given all that we know about evolution and the "survival of the fittest", why did not we develop ourselves so that we have two hands that work completely? It's one of the biggest secrets of the human body. Of course, there are people who can use the same hands with the same abilities.

Why are we crawling?

We have learned to yawn since we were in the belly of the mother and scientists are still trying to find an explanation for the reason we do Although the theories are not lacking, the true cause of yawn remains a mystery. One theory suggests that we crawl to regulate the temperature of our brain because lack of sleep or boredom can lead to lower temperatures in our brain. Other experts suggest that we crawl to give our body a boost, as the heart rate increases, and the muscles of our eyes contract after crawling. Both variants may be true.

Why do people have blood groups?

Like appendages, different blood groups give clues to our evolutionary history. Different blood groups have different possibilities for fighting different infections, and scientists believe that they began to occur about 20 million years ago, even among the ancestors of humans and other monkeys. Combined with the natural selection of certain blood groups against certain infections, evolution has created an amazing variety of types of human blood that we see and recognize today. But what scientists do not know, that's why that's what happened. No definitive theory or theory can explain why blood groups are different in humans.

Why do we see dreams?

People spend almost a third of their lives hibernating, but science still understands very little about how and why we see dreams. We know that dreams happen during a fast sleep and that our heart rate accelerates when we see them, but scientists are unsure of the purpose for which there is a dream. A popular theory suggests that dreams are the way your brain looks at the memories of the day and decides which ones are of value and which ones do not have other specialists, however, think that dreams do not matter. actually fulfill no real function and that they exactly correspond to what our unconscious mind does when it is not related to our conscious self.

Why do we have viruses in our body?

Still convinced that the only living creature in your body is … you? Think again. People have so many microbes inside and on their bodies that they actually make up a few pounds of our body mass. Many of them have good reasons to be there because they facilitate our digestion, heal our cuts and fight against diseases. However, most of them are viruses whose objectives are totally unknown to us.

Why are other primates much more powerful than us?

In many ways, the human body is extremely similar to that of other primates such as chimpanzees. They have very similar muscle structures. Despite this, our immediate family of primates is about 1.35 times stronger than ours. We have developed more slow contractile muscle fibers, which are less powerful muscle fibers than other primates. However, these muscle fibers allow people to have more stamina than other primates. They allowed primitive peoples to hunt and move more easily. Today, they are the reason why a person can do marathons, while a monkey is not able. But despite all these human benefits, the imbalance between peoples and peoples remains an important problem to confuse scientists.

Why laugh is contagious?

Laughter is contagious and it's not just a metaphor. Scientists have discovered that powerful emotions can actually cause a synchronization of brain activity between different people. Studies show that laughter is related to the fact that a person is a social being. In fact, psychologists have found that people laugh almost 30 times more often when they are in social situations. Modern theory says that laughter is contagious because people are empathic beings. So, even though we still can not say for sure why our laughter is contagious, there is one thing we know for sure: laughing, that's fine. So smile more!

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