Khrystyna Asmus nude cursed minors – Garik Kharlamov – News from Russia


The Russian actress, wife of famous comedian Garyka Kharlamova, Christina Asmus bravely responded to the haters who previously criticized her piquant photos. a selection of brilliant hashtags. Among them – "debauchery, shame, vulgarity", "your mother", "what a man will say" and others. Publish Asmus on its Instagram page.

Fans of the actress reacted violently to the publication. Some of them supported and mocked their enemies, while others, on their side, continued to criticize the artist for clear clichés that did not seem to correspond to his image.

"A great sense of humor! Heshti – fire! And do not listen to the critics of fools" [

] "You think more humble: – The fans are warned.

  "Disgrace, shame, vulgarity": Asmus naked fiercely trampled enemies

 shame, vulgarisch: Asmus nude stomped the haters with rigor

 & # 39; & # 39; Disgrace, shame, vulgarity & # 39; & # 39 ;: Naked Asmus trampled those who hated

 & # 39; Disgrace, shame, vulgarity: naked Asmus reprimands the enemies

  'Abortion, shame, vulgarity & # 39; & Nbsp; Rude Asmus stomping enemies

  Asmus burning critical heated

After OBOZREVATEL, Christina Asmus and her husband Garik. Kharlamov went to rest on the Maldives. The actress has repeatedly published her nude photo, which has been the subject of harsh criticism from network users.

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