Russia places new nuclear missiles in Europe


NATO calls on the Russian Federation to restore compliance with the Treaty on the Elimination of Medium and Short-Range Missiles.

  Russia places new missiles in Europe in violation of the treaty, Secretary-General of the UNSC / photo

Russia places new missiles in Europe in violation of the treaty, said Secretary-General / UNIAN photo

The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, states that

The NATO Secretary General said at a speech delivered at the World Economic Forum in Davos, at a roundtable on the future of the transatlantic alliance.

NATO's urgent challenge is linked to the eventual collapse of the long-range and long-range missile launch treaty

"The Mid-Range and Small Missile Ban Treaty is the cornerstone of the control of the armed forces and 19659004]

See also The United States proposed to Russia to negotiate nuclear weapons

"The problem now lies in the fact that Russia is placing new missiles in Europe in violation of the treaty, "said the Secretary General.

" The United States said at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers last December that until February 2, if Russia does not return performance (contract), then they will begin the process of withdrawal of this contract ", – said the Art Ltenberg

In this regard , he stated that the meeting of the NATO-Russia Council will be held tomorrow, January 25, 1965.

"Our goal is to continue to urge Russia to restore respect for the rules" (the contract), because these missiles are mobile, they have Nuclear capabilities, they are hard to detect, they have a short notice, they can reach European cities, "added the Secretary General of NATO.

UNIAN reference. The DRSMD between the USSR and the United States was signed on December 8, 1987. The document aims to promote the defense of the United States and its allies in Europe and the Far East. It prohibits the United States and Russia from stockpiling, manufacturing and using surface-mounted cruise missiles with a range of 300 to 3,400.

On December 4, 2018, the Secretary US state Mike Pompeo said that the United States had asked Russia for a 60-day ultimatum for the resumption of treaty implementation. on the elimination of missiles at medium and short range. According to him, among various violations that Russia has committed for many years – the development and testing of the new "Novator 9M729" RF missile system dating from the mid-2000s, which allow the launching of cruise missiles at excessive distances prohibited by the treaty.

The United States concluded that Russia had substantially violated the treaty and decided to suspend its obligations as a means of protection in response to the actions of the Russian Federation. The US secretary of state said that if Russia does not resume compliance with the provisions of this agreement, the United States would begin the process of withdrawal of the treaty.

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