Why do the presidential candidates not have a clear plan to end the war with Russia?


The theme of the end of the war is very complicated. All serious presidential candidates understand that it is easy to solve the problem. Therefore, their promises have little detail.

The opinion of Channel 24 was voiced by Volodymyr Fesenko, chairman of the board of directors of the Center for Applied Political Studies Penta.

What to know about the presidential elections – 2019:

  • The presidential elections will be held on March 31, 2019.
  • The official results must be announced before April 10.
  • If it is decided to hold the second round of the presidential election, this one will take place on April 21.
  • 30 people have already filed documents with the Central Electoral Commission for the registration of candidates for the Ukrainian presidency and

Read also: How to end the war with Russia: presidential candidates [19659009] "There is no simple decision as to how to end the war with Russia – you can promise what you want." It all depends on Putin. In addition, the position of the West, Ukraine, unfortunately, is not a decisive point. You can talk about the positions of strength, our independence, but there must be a common position with the West. There are many limitations in finding a solution to resolve the conflict with Russia and candidates avoid the details. For example, says political analyst Yulia Tymoshenko in a flexible position, she does not reject the Minsk treaties and the format of the Minsk negotiations.

"Budapest," observes Vol dymyr Fesenko.

Plus "is an extension of the Norman format, for which Tymoshenko proposes to join other members of the nuclear club, especially China and the EU.You can try.There is no certainty that this will bring the result.It all depends on the position of Russia.All the problems in Norman format will be preserved in another.The case is not in the format but in the opposite position of Kiev and Moscow,
– note an expert.

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Statements of Oleg Lyashko on the possibility of restoring the Ukraine's nuclear status Fesenko is convinced of populism.

"L "The idea of ​​restoring the status of nuclear energy is beautiful and, in practice, this will involve conflict and the dissolution of partnerships with Western partners, which will require investment." A direct military agreement with United States may be required. New initiative C is easy to say, but impossible without the agreement of the United States. The United States is cautious about this. They do not want to assume the responsibility of a country fighting Russia, it is a direct conflict, "says Volodymyr Fesenko

Meanwhile, candidates such as Vilkul, Boyko and Muraev , offer talks with militants.

Negotiations with representatives of the occupation administrations will not help, because everything is decided by Moscow.It will not be accepted by a significant part of Ukrainian society and will not This will make the situation worse and will cause a crisis in Ukraine
– note Fesenko

Andriy Sadovy proposes to focus on strengthening the negotiating positions of Ukraine. "A poor and corrupt country will always be easy prey for Russia and will not be a reliable partner for the West. Therefore, every corrupt prisoner and every day of GDP growth will approach the moment when the Ukrainian authorities will return to Donbass and Crimea, "said Sadovsky.

A" self-help "candidate also believes that the Ukraine should at this stage strengthen its defense on the line of contact with the aggressor in order to make the price of the extra aggression very expensive.

According to the expert, the candidates do not speak in vain about the subject of the peacekeeping forces.Maybe they doubt realism.But, underlines the expert, this topic is not closed.The scenario of the seat of the UN also depends on Putin.After the elections, negotiations resume, according to Fesenko.

"The presidential candidates make a mistake that does not speak of a UN mission, but he should be taken into account because it is a proposal of Western partners and scenic Western arios. Politicians have at least some chances, "- says a political scientist.

Fesenko similarly points out: the proposals of some presidential candidates to broaden the negotiating format and to include new countries depend on Also, with the consent of Russia, the greater the number of participants, the more difficult the negotiations are and, in his opinion, none of the major countries will accept.

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