China showed the launch of "killer aircraft carrier" (video) – new weapons


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The range of the DF-26 missile is estimated at 4,000 kilometers

  The launch of DF-26 / Capture "src =" photos / 2019_01 /1548413722-4204.PNG?0.09793606793605036 "title =" The Launch of DF-26 / Screen Capture "/> 

<p> The Launch of DF-26 / Screen Capture </p>
<p>  A medium-range ballistic missile launch video published in the Chinese media has been published called "Aircraft Carrier Assassin" and "Guam Murderer." </p>
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The appropriate video is available on Twitter.One of the DF-26 launch pads, recently deployed in Inner Mongolia, in northern China.

The missile DF-26 has an estimated range of 4,000 kilometers and can reach the island of Guam, which has the largest military base in Tikh For this reason, DF-26 is referred to in the Chinese media as "the murderer of Guam" or "the aircraft carrier".

It was reported earlier that Chinese aircraft manufacturing companies were developing two bomber projects, the construction of which will involve small, widely used technologies. the visibility.

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