Bishop apologizes to a teenager who faced a Native American


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From Dennis Romero

The Bishop of the Diocese of Covington Kentucky apologized Friday to the teenager at the center of a controversy over the behavior of Catholic high school students towards a former Native American chief in Washington

In a letter to parents, Pastor Roger Foys stated that the diocese was too quick to condemn the actions of the students of the Catholic high school of Covington, especially those of Nicholas Sandmann, the boy who had been seen. in front of the video with the eldest US Nathan Phillips performing the song "American Indian Movement" near the Lincoln Memorial.

"We should not have allowed ourselves to be intimidated and pressured to make a premature declaration, and we take full responsibility for that," wrote Foys. "I especially apologize to Nicholas Sandmann and his family, as well as to all CovCath families who felt abandoned during this ordeal."

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