Guaydo secretly traveled to the United States before announcing President – the media – the world


To leave Venezuela discreetly, Guayido crosses the border with Colombia.

The president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Huang Guaido, who declares himself president of Venezuela makes a series of secret trips abroad. According to the Associated Press, it refers to unnamed negotiators.

Yes, he went secretly to the United States, Colombia and Brazil to inform local authorities of the strategies of mass demonstrations of the opposition in Venezuela.

To leave Guinea, Guadino sank into illegality. Border with Colombia, writes the edition. After all, most of it, according to Maduro's order, remains closed. Guinea has been forced to resort to this plan in order not to suspect immigration agents, who sometimes hold opponents at the airport and do not allow them to travel abroad.

According to this journalist, Guaido would have no motive to suspect immigration officers who sometimes hold opponents at the airport and do not allow them to travel to foreign countries .

Moreover, thanks to the rigorous measures taken by the local authorities, the whole process was completed by the transmission of encrypted text messages. Intermediaries have been used to transmitting such messages, according to a US official who is also aware of these discussions. According to him, they communicated the political mentor of Guayido and Leopoldo Lopez, Venezuelan opposition. The latter is under house arrest after attempting to organize a collective uprising against Maduro in 2014, according to AP.

However, the decision to confront Maduro directly was only possible thanks to the strong support of the administration of US President Donald Trump, notes the Associated Press. As a result, the Latin American countries, as the publication indicates, "have realized that they have a partner in the United States, ready to face the crisis that has raged for many years."

Video For security reasons, US diplomats leave Venezuela

Washington explained. – The closure of the embassy, ​​as requested by the head of state official Nicholas Maduro, is not mentioned. US citizens leave for security reasons. At the same time, Venezuela has already closed its embassy in the United States – by order of Nicolas Maduro.

  For security reasons, American diplomats leave Venezuela.

Recall that on January 23, Venezuela began demonstrating en masse against President Nicholas Maduro. Head of the National Opposition Assembly of Venezuela Juan Guadio declared himself president of the country. The National Assembly in turn declared the country's interim president, Guaido

The White House announced that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, had already officially recognized as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Canada were declared legitimate leaders of Venezuela . Juan Guyado has also benefited from the support of the Organization of American States.

Later Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the decision to sever diplomatic and political relations with the United States, which supported Guaido. In Venezuela, the demonstration gathered 26 people, more than 170 of whom were arrested.

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