The Russian Foreign Ministry reacted to the US decision to create a special representative for Venezuela – World


Russia believes that Americans are ingesting the business of someone else.

An official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that Statement of the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the creation of a position of responsibility of the United States United for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela Intervention in the internal affairs of this country.

This is reported on his Facebook page.

Zakharova thinks that the United States is trying to control Venezuela by itself.

"This is Washington's attempt to directly control the political situation in Venezuela, which the American establishment considers as its future regional vassal In Iraq, democracy has been" restored ", in Libya also, Syrians have not been, or rather have not been given, now Venezuela is ". – read the memo

Recall that on January 23, Venezuela had started mass protests against President Nicholas Maduro. Head of the National Opposition Assembly of Venezuela Juan Guadio declared himself president of the country. The National Assembly, in turn, declared the country's acting president, Guaido.

The White House announced that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, had already officially recognized him as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Canada were declared legitimate leaders of Venezuela . Juan Guyado has also received support from the Organization of American States.

Later Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro announced the decision to sever diplomatic and political relations with the United States, which supported Guayido.

Video For security reasons, American diplomats leave Venezuela

In Washington, they explained – the closure of the embassy, ​​requested by the head of state official Nicholas Maduro, is not mentioned. US citizens leave for security reasons. At the same time, Venezuela has already closed its embassy in the United States – by order of Nicolas Maduro.

  For security reasons, US diplomats leave Venezuela

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