Trump lost the stop and Pelosi won


Poll of the Week: An ABC News / Washington Post poll reveals that only 37% of Americans approve of the work done by President Donald Trump. A much higher percentage of 58% disapprove. This gives a net approval rating of -21 points.

The previous ABC / Washington Post poll indicated that Trump's net approval rate was -13 points, which resulted in a drop of 8 points. The ABC News / Washington Post poll is just the latest to show that Trump's popularity rating was in free fall. On average of all recent polls, Trump's net approval rating had dropped 6 points from before closing.

In addition, it was clear that the longer the closure, the more it worsened for Trump. Just two weeks ago (that is, half way through the closing), Trump's net approval rating had only decreased by 3 points. In other words, half of the decline has occurred in the past two weeks.

Trump's decline occurred at a time when Americans clearly blamed Trump and the Republicans for closing. ABC News / Washington Post, for example, found that 53% thought Trump and the congressional Republicans were to blame, compared to 34% for President Nancy Pelosi and congressional Democrats. According to their wording, other polls have found a similar 20 point advantage for congressional Democrats against Trump and Republicans in Congress.
Indeed, along with the decline in Trump's approval rating, Pelosi's rating was increasing. In an average of the last five holes, Pelosi's net propensity increased by 3 points from its previous level at the beginning of the closure. The average poll has now consistently Pelosi more popular than Trump.
Trump's biggest problem was the impossibility of defending the need for a protective wall along the US-Mexico border. Americans are still mostly against the wall. In fact, CNN and Quinnipiac University showed no difference between the wall mount just before and after the stop. Before closing, the Americans were against the wall by a margin of 15 points. Today, these pollsters place the margin at the same 15 points.
Meanwhile, Democrats were winning over issues of immigration that were historically good for Republicans. When Americans are generally asked to say which party they rely most on "illegal immigration," they usually say Republicans. The ABC News / Washington Post poll reveals that Pelosi and congressional Democrats were favored by illegal immigration by a margin of 5 points over Trump and congressional Republicans.
Trump also lost ground on border security (ie how Trump wanted to frame the fight at a standstill). Trump had a 10-point advantage over congressional Democrats when voters were asked, before the closure, who they trusted more about border security. A Quinnipiac poll after the shutdown revealed that congressional Democrats had a 5-point advantage over Trump in border security. The ABC News / Washington Post poll asked a similar question and gave Congress Democrats and Pelosi a two-point advantage. Both polls are double-digit gains for Democrats.

But maybe the ultimate solution to Trump is what Fox Polling discovered. According to the latest Fox News poll, voters think Pelosi is better than Trump in Washington gamemanship by 6 points. This must hurt Trump, who is reputed to "worship" the game with Congressional Democrats.

In other words, the shutdown has transformed Trump's strengths into weaknesses.

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