Coulter: "No question", Pelosi dominated Trump


The conservative hand of fire Ann Coulter continued on Friday night President Trump Donald John TrumpStone: "I have never had any discussion with Trump about the fact. a pardon White House: Trump will go from the front on the wall "with or without" Dems Pelosi after Stone's indictment: & # 39; What does Putin have on the president? MORE's decision to end the 35-day partial closure of the government without securing funding for a border wall, stating that it was missed by the President Nancy Pelosi by Nancy Patricia D & # 39; Alesandro PelosiPelosi Putin has it on the president? Lou Dobbs denounces Trump's decision to end closure: "Illegal immigrants are delighted" Cardi B calls for Dems' response to State of the Union: "Why not?" (D-Calif .).

"We thought," Hey, maybe this guy is pretty wacky, he will not care what the elite says, and he will build the wall. "That's what put him in the White House. He built the wall, "Coulter told KNX radio in Los Angeles.

" No doubt Nancy Pelosi got the better of Donald Trump. "

Coulter Friday afternoon called Trump" the biggest wimp president of the United States "after announcing that he would support the reopening of the government in order to obtain funds for the construction of the a border wall

The immigration officer repeatedly urged Trump to immediately begin construction of a wall.She said shortly before the start of the closure in December, she would not vote for Trump in 2020 without a border wall.

Trump drew attention last month for dropping Coulter on Twitter after talking about a "joke presidency" [19659007Thepresidentclaimedthathisdecisiontoallowthegovernmenttoreopencompletelyforthreeweekswithoutfundingforawallwasnotaconcessiononhispart

The agreement provides that the legislators form a bipartisan party. of the conference to start negotiating border security. Trump said that if the committee does not provide funding for a wall, it will declare a national emergency to bypass Congress and begin to build it.

"This was not a concession in any case. He took care of millions of people seriously injured by the closure of the project, knowing that in 21 days, if no agreement is reached, it is the race to the race! ", He tweeted on Friday.

" We will work with the Democrats and negotiate and if we can not do that, then we will do – obviously we will do the emergency because that is what it is that's it. This is a national emergency, "he told reporters at the White House earlier in the day.

Previously, Trump had rejected proposals to reopen silo agencies for three weeks, for reasons related to Border funding: His request for more than $ 5 billion for a wall remained the main stumbling block in negotiations for weeks before he overturned the course on Friday.

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