Top 10 movies for a family night out


Cold winter nights are only created for hot movies that you have to watch with your family. We therefore offer 10 emotional films that can decorate your hobbies.

After a hard day, I want to see something positive and inspiring. There is no need to interrupt any internet on finding the same movie – just activate one of our ideal movie selections for viewing in family, Ukr.Media informs.

"Paying to Another"

The perfect movie for the whole family. During the review, we learn the story of 11-year-old Trevor Mccinnie, who sought to make the world a little nicer after developing a "Paying to Another" game. According to the rules, anyone to whom service has been rendered should continue the chain of goodness and help three other people. The end of the movie will make the whole family cry.

"The life of Pi"

Adventure drama, filmed by the novel of the same name, Janna Martel. The family ship of a 15-year-old Indian boy, Pi, who emigrates from India to Canada, with his own zoo, crushes him. Upon awakening, Pee realizes that he is in the middle of a Pacific Ocean in a boat with a wounded zebra, orangutans, a hyena and a hungry tiger.

"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

An interesting and informative fairy tale that will appeal to both children and adults alike. Five children visit the largest chocolate factory in the world. Here they will fight for a super prize, meeting in their own way various miracles and tricky tricks.

Little Miss Happiness

Seven-year-old Oliver Hoover dreams of winning the title "Little Miss Happiness". The girl's girlfriend supports her, but through employment and her own problems, she barely finds time to help her. Grandpa Oli saved the situation.

"The One At Home"

Absolutely, all parts of this movie deserve to be watched not only during New Year's holidays An, as we are used to, but also every night when wants to be accused of a positive and topple.

"The guardian of time"

A beautiful and beautiful story of Martin Scorsese that will not leave indifferent children or adults. An orphan named Hugo, living with an uncle, alcoholic in a Paris station, suddenly becomes the owner of an unusual mechanism, erected by the famous Miele Georges. The guy becomes the guardian of time and completely immersed in the world of strange events!

"My Great Greek Summer"

American of Greek descent, Georgia works in the tourist guide in Greece. For a year, she hated her job and decided to change her as soon as possible. However, the last lap will totally transform his life.

"Nine Life"

A good family fantasy tells the story of billionaire Tom Brenda, who is so busy with his work that he does not do not devote to his time. The day of the birthday of Rebecca's daughter, who has long dreamed of a cat, he goes to a pet store to buy a pet. There, he chooses a cat named Nick Furry Pants and, after a while, the billionaire discovers that his soul, in an incredible way, was in the body of the animal. In order not to remain in such a form forever, a man must, for a week, realize the love of his new owners.

"The Simien"

The film tells the story of a person who must choose his own destiny. So, once a successful businessman broke with a girl early in her career 13 years ago, it's an alternative version of her life. He wakes up in bed with the same girl. Now, Jack Campbell is not a businessman, but an ordinary family man. What is the life of a man to choose in the end?

"The Universe of Steven Hawking"

A biographical film telling the story of the eminent physicist and scholar of the present, Stephen Hawking, who, despite his diagnosis, was able to make many important discoveries.

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