Jolie, her 12-year-old daughter, Jolie and Pitt decided to flee their mother – the news of society


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The girl is fed up with the process of parental divorce

  Shailo wants to live with his grandmother and grandfather / "src =" https: / / /1548555924-7943.jpg?0.03160757529448133 "title =" Shailo wants to live with his grandmother and grandfather / "/> 

<p> Shailo wants to live with his Grandma and her grandfather / </p>
<p><h2 class= The daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt shared leaving his mother

This was reported by the Star tabloid, reports [19659006] After the news that a couple's adopted elderly son, Jolie-Pitt, had had a misunderstanding with his mother, and he decided The admirers did not expect the same intentions as Shailo, 12 years.

Read also Brad Pitt began meeting Charlize Theron

According to the tabloid, the girl was tired of the trial her parents.She wants to live with her grandmother, William and Jane Pitt, in Springfield, Missouri

An insider of the publication said that Shaillo wanted to grow up among "normal" people, she is determined to solve and really wants to change the situation. In addition, it should be noted that she left her house last summer

As reported by UNIAN, Angelina Jolie thinks of going into politics

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