Trump Labor Licensee Says Trump Knows That Undocumented Workers Are Employed


An undocumented worker who was fired by one of President Trump Donald John Trump A billionaire investor states that he would support Trump's main challenger: Trump report donated $ 0,000 from a salary to research on alcoholism How will the government reopen MORE [Lesterrainsdegolfde19659003] over the weekend revealed that he thought Trump knew that without papers worked in his various clubs.

Gabriel Sedano and several other undocumented workers spoke to NBC News about their experiences at the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York. It was their first appearance on camera since their brutal departure last week.

Sedano told Kate Snow, of the NBC channel, that he thought the Trump National Golf Club employers knew they were hiring undocumented workers.

"That's what I think because they need employees and they do not really check," Serano said. . "I can not be sure, but he must know."

Sedano stated that he spoke to Trump several times over the course of the fourteen years of his life. He occupied. employed as a maintenance worker at the club. Sedano told the Washington Post Saturday that he had "started crying" after his dismissal.

He is from Mexico and has been working at the club since 2005.

"I told them that they had to take us into consideration," Sedano said. I have worked for nearly 15 years for them in this club. the best of me for this job. "

About a dozen employees were brutally fired last week from the New York Golf Club because they were illegally in the country.

The layoffs followed the reported information Last year that undocumented immigrants would be hired and subsequently fired at a Trump property in New Jersey

Workers in New York learned that Trump had recently verified their immigration documents, which had turned out to be forgeries, reported the Post.

Sedano and other workers interviewed by the NBC reported submitting false documents when they had been hired by the Trump Club, claiming that they had been hired so that the organization could save money by paying low wages No benefits for workers, vulnerable s because of their immigrant status.

President's son, Eric Trump Eric Frederick TrumpSeveral undocumented workers laid off from the Trump Golf Course: report of the monitoring group: Trump had More than 1,400 Conflicts of Interest in First Two Years Trump Campaign Director 2020 Strikes George Conway: "Think How You Must Be a Husband" SUITE in a statement to NBC, citing undocumented workers as "one of the reasons why my father is fighting so hard for an immigration reform. "

" We have tens of thousands of employees in our properties and we apply very strict hiring practices, "Eric Trump told the news network." If an employee submits fake documents in order to circumvent the law, he will be immediately terminated. We take this issue very seriously. "

Trump recently made his radical immigration policy a central issue of his presidency, triggering the longest government closure in the history of the United States following his request for a $ 5.7 billion financing for the construction of a wall of the southern border, which the Democrats have refused.

The Lawyer representing Sedano and d & # 39; other undocumented workers who were fired told NBC that they were going to Capitol Hill to meet with Democrats.

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