"We smoke!": Why is Russia so afraid of losing the Kuril Islands?


To whom do the Kuril Islands really belong? This question became a choking in the throat for both Russians and Japanese. After all, concluding a peace treaty, which was de facto terminated after the Second World War, will not succeed without solving this problem. In addition, Russia still fears losing these territories because they are of strategic importance to them.

Because the Kuriles have access to the sea of ​​Okhotsk, the deployment of military bases and the expansion of combat capability. If the Kremlin loses control of the Kuriles, US ships will be able to freely enter the Okhotsk Sea.

What do we know about the Kuril Islands?

The Kuriles are 56 islands located between the Russian Kamchatka and the Japanese Perfection of Hokkaido. Not only the islands, but also the sharp rocks and unfit for the life of the territory.

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Despite the fact that the total area of ​​these lands is greater than 10,000 square kilometers (and slightly more than the region of Chernivtsi) lives about 20 people

 Kuril Islands
Area and population of the Kuril Islands

 The Kuril Islands
Kurilles Islands Striking beauty

However, there are many states the crest of the rocks

and inadequate for holding territories

When the Kuril conflict began?

In general, the history of the Kuril conflict began in 1855, and Tokyo signed the simodal treaty.

What is the simodal treaty? The 9-paragraph document was intended to prevent the military conflict between Russia and Japan by separating the Kuril Islands. According to the treaty, they were divided by the Strait of Friesland: all on the island of Itrup (Japanese) and the island of Urup (Russia).

  Semod Contract
This is the simodal treaty for Japan and Russia

. that the division was clear, the islands remained an inseparable property of the two countries. For 20 years, that is to say 1875, the Kuriles have redistributed themselves: Japan has received all the islands and Russia, the south of Sakhalin.

How did all the Kuril Islands end up in Russia?

This happened after the Second World War. Japan, which at the time supported Adolf Hitler, concluded in 1941, with the USSR, a neutrality pact that was supposed to last until 1946. That is to say, that in the event attacking one of the parties, the other will be held apart. Russia's promises were not followed, and in February 1945, at the Yalta Conference, they promised the United States to attack Japan, demanding in return South Sakhalin and all the Kuril Islands. Already in August, the offensive of the USSR had begun.

The demand to give Sakhalin and the Kuriles was not controversial because it was the territory of Japan, opposed to the United States, so the Americans easily gave Stalin a desire,
– explained the Historian François Kersoda

.  signature of a treaty of san francious
Signature of the agreement of San Francisco

In order to finally "heal" the wounds of the Second World, Japan signed in 1951 a peace treaty of San Francisco. Thus, the country officially confirmed that control over the Kuriles was completely lost, but that Russian domination over them was also ignored by the Japanese. The document was supported by 49 countries, but Soviet diplomats did not sign it because, de jure, there was no explicit right to these territories, which left the question open. And now, it is rightly that Tokyo claims these territories.

Do not refuse to sign a peace treaty in San Luis in 1951, there would be no territorial problems,
– Eugene Primakov, former Russian Foreign Minister, comments on this statement. 19659006] The Agreement of Russia and Japan

The negotiations between Tokyo and Moscow are based on the 1956 declaration. According to her, Moscow has offered Tokyo two islands: Shikotan and Habomai . However, with one condition, there should not be US military bases, which are in fact located in different parts of Japan. Such an agreement was immediately rejected because Tokyo requires at least 4 islands.

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"Now that we return to a conversation based on the 1956 declaration, of course, we must take into account the fact that since then, the situation regarding Japan's military alliances has changed dramatically, "said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

It is very regrettable that we have not yet signed a peace treaty with Russia. We have tried many times, but this time we have to change the approach. To imagine a new way,
– said Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo.

"The current situation is not normal, Japan and Russia want a complete settlement of our relations, not just because we need something from Japan. economy, "Russian President Vladimir Putin comments on the Russian president of the Kuriles

Why are smokers so important?

  1. Economically, this is not a very attractive area: tourism is not developed there, and business is practically not, from industry to fishing.
  2. Russian scientists claim that there are very deposits of ren Iu is one of the most valuable metals in the world, mainly used in the 39; e. According to the Russians themselves, it is actively exploited by the Japanese because there is no money in Moscow.
  3. With regard to its strategic objective, it is an access to the sea of ​​Okhotsk the deployment of military bases and the expansion of combat capabilities . If the Kremlin loses control of the Kuriles, US ships will be able to freely enter the Okhotsk Sea. In addition, Washington will have a chance to increase its military presence on the islands. And as you know, the military ships of Moscow are already based on the Okhotsk Sea.

Of course, we are concerned about plans by the United States to deploy missile defense systems. We do not think it's a defensive weapon. This is part of the US strategic nuclear capability on the periphery,
said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Although, according to the US military itself, Washington's bases are necessary to contain the DPRK's nuclear potential. After all, the missiles launched earlier by Kim Jong-il flew over and penetrated into the Sea of ​​Japan.

Our bases are not like that. We do not perceive it as worthy, but rather as a necessity. Not only us, but the Japanese themselves, understand the need for our military cooperation,
– said Colonel Kenneth Moss of the US Air Force.

Confidence in the Japanese and Russian popular masses

If we talk about the mood of the masses, only 5% of the Japanese are satisfied. the government's decision to return only 2 islands, 46% at least agree with a compromise and 33% – require the return of the 4 territories.

[19459906] Japan and Tobacco "src =" https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/620_DIR/201901/1102899_5899043.jpg?201901155636 "style =" width: 620px; height: 348px; "/>
The state of mind of the Japanese population for the Kuril Islands [19659006] With regard to Russia, everything is as usual:" Our Crimea ! "," Our smokes "- nothing new.

 Russians and smokers
The Russians exclaim at the rally" Hands off from Kurill "

 smoked for us
The inscription in Vladivostok, Russia

How to solve the problem the affiliation of the Kuril Islands?

However, according to the American researcher Emma Cullen, there is no legal instrument to solve this problem, the arguments of both parties are equivalent: there is always a political compromise, but it will not be easy to achieve.

The Japanese have their arguments:

  1. Moscow violated the Neutrality Pact of 1941. If the Union did not attack Tokyo, the The islands would have remained in Japan.
  2. The Russians refused to sign the peace of San Francisco, so they were not entitled to the Kuriles.

In Moscow, his argument:

  1. The advent of the Kuriles is a consequence of the Second. Worldwide, and therefore without appeal.

The arguments on both sides do not solve the problem. More precisely, this territorial dispute can only be resolved by strict international legal standards,
– said the American researcher Emma Cuillen.

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