Negotiations after closure seem brutal for Trump


Lawmakers of both parties are skeptical of President Trump Donald John TrumpPatricia Arquette thanks Mueller at SAG ceremony Trumped laborer at Trump Golf Course said Trump knew that Papers were employees report MORE about the chances of getting funding for his wall at the Mexican border after a 35-day partial government shutdown that undermined the White House's political stance.

The agreement reached last week gives Trump and Congress until February 15 to conclude a new agreement to prevent a new partial halt, and the president again calls for a new law who would finance the campaign file.

Legislators are unlikely to provide in their budget a budget for the construction of a wall, and even if they did, legislators believe that such an agreement would likely require that Trump includes important immigration reforms, such as giving immigrants known as Dreamers a path to citizenship or permanent residence.

It would be a difficult puzzle to solve in just three weeks, and concessions could also damage Trump with his base.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi Patricia Nancy D & # 39; Alesandro PelosiTrump denounces recent criticism from Ann Coulter: "I may not have answered her phone call or something d & # 39; other. : Trump agreement to temporarily reopen the government to a "concession", but not to a "cave" MORE (D-Calif.) Set the tone immediately after Trump agreed to reopen the government stating on Friday that she would not change her position to oppose money for a border wall, which she had previously described as "immoral".

"Have not I been cleared on a wall? I was very clear on the wall, "she told reporters on Friday at the request of a change in her position following the decision to reopen government agencies.

His fierce opposition to funding the wall leaves some legislators wondering if the political dynamic has changed. "It's possible we'll be in the same soup in three weeks," said Kevin Cramer's senator Kevin Cramer GOP Senators would support the postponement of the state's # 39; Union. Bipartite Bills in the confrontational era MORE (RN.D.) acknowledged that soon after, Trump announced that he would support the government for three weeks to give negotiators to reach an agreement.

Democratic Whip in the Senate Dick Durbin Richard (Dick) Joseph Durbin Representative of the Dem. Omar: US should not choose leaders in Venezuela or support coup attempt Senate Ethics Committee does not penalize Booker Kavanaugh asks Grassley to hold a price hearings drugs. MORE (Ill.), Who was appointed to the Senate and House of Commons Conference Committee on Friday to try to find a compromise over the next three weeks, said

He rejected a proposal presented by Sen. Lindsey Graham Lindsey Olin Graham – Graham said that Trump had used military force in Venezuela. to reopen the government, the sending of the bill to Trump Shutdown ends without funding for the Trump MORE (RS.C.) border wall to give Dreamers – illegal immigrants who came into the country ge – only three years of protection against deportation in exchange for funding at the border.

Centrist Sen. Joe Manchin Joseph (Joe) ManchinRepublicans take their distance from Pelosi stop tactics: Trump "pushes airspace to the breaking point" with the closure of Dem House Postpones Frontier Plan Unveiled During Senators' Discussions with Senate PLUS (DW.Va.) reiterated Sunday that Democrats want a path to citizenship for previously protected immigrants by the DACA (Deferred Action for Child Arrivals) program that Trump canceled in 2017.

"If the President or his extreme right I would look at this a bit more [of] a compassionate way, I think that would solve the problems we have with the barriers, "said Manchin on CBS's" Face the Nation. "

deserve ten years – it's a long way – a ten-year path? It would really help enormously t go ahead, "he added, referring to a pathway to citizenship for dreamers.

But the Republican Whip in the Senate John Thune John Randolph ThuneDems Reinforce the Two-Day Fight Night Defense: Authorities Expect the Abolition of the Arms Treaty with Russia | The Senate rejects two spending measures at day 34 of shutdown | According to CBO, the cost of the US nuclear weapons arsenal will be 4 billion euros over the next decade. Pelosi rejects Trump's down payment proposal on the wall. MORE (S.D.) Warns that the conclusion of a broader immigration agreement will likely take longer than the three weeks before the next Trump deadline.

"If you make a bigger deal, it will obviously take a lot longer to do it," he said.

Asked about the permanent legal status of the Dreamers, Thune said "that it is a long-term conversation about immigration."

Thune stated that Republicans would be more likely to accept "a short-term solution on DACA and TPS," referring to the DACA program and to the temporary protection status designations that Trump has canceled since its entry into service. function, in exchange for funding the anti-border wall.

Sen. Marco Rubio Marco Antonio Rubio The Leader of the Opposition in Venezuela declares that he is in Talks with military officials to remove Maduro Stone from indictment Republican Trump distances himself from closure tactics MORE (R-Fla.), gang member in eight, who negotiated comprehensive legislation on immigration in 2013, warned Sunday that the more wide-ranging a new immigration proposal, the more difficult it will be to adopt.

"The more things you bring in the bill, the more you in. You'll find reasons to oppose him, "he said in the NBC's" Meet the Press "show.

Under the agreement reached with Trump on Friday, congressional leaders will set a special committee of conferences between the Senate and the House of Representatives to negotiate an agreement on border security would pave the way for adoption of the seven appropriation bills to finance about 25% of the government.

Trump warned Friday at the Rose Garden that he could declare a national emergency to build the wall and completely bypass Congress if lawmakers did not produce a result before Feb. 15.

But Republican lawmakers say that this could be blocked by the courts, which limits the effectiveness of Trump's leverage.

"You are at the mercy of a district court, somewhere, and finally a court of appeal. So it might not really stand up if you look at some of the decisions we've seen before, "Rubio said in" Meet the Press ".

GOP lawmakers are also concerned about creating a new precedent that weakens the power of Congress. stock Exchange.

Members of the new committee of the Senate-House conference said that Pelosi and other senior leaders – Majority Leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell Addison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellPelosi and Ocasio- Cortez: Political Democrats' yin and yang Memo: Trump concedes defeat at the closing of The Money: Trump agrees to end closure without wall funding | Senate quickly approves short-term funding measure | Room to vote tonight | Federal workers could get their pay back in a few days | Democrats Make a Victory Turn MORE (R-Ky.), Democratic Leader in the Senate Charles Schumer Charles (Chuck) Ellis Schumer & # 39; Fox & Friends & # 39; Host Trump's help: Who are these "unicorn" dems that will suddenly work on a wall? Lou Dobbs denounces Trump's decision to end the closure: "Illegal immigrants are certainly delighted" MORE (NY) and minority House leader Kevin McCarthy Kevin Owen McCarthyRepublicans distance themselves McCarthy: Trump is "the only one to have been reasonable" in negotiations for a stop report The Hill's 12:30 Report – Stone Charged in Mueller Investigation | Says that he is not guilty | Day 35 stop | The FAA briefly interrupts flights to LaGuardia MORE (R-Calif.) – will have a great influence on the discussions.

"Leadership always plays a role, even if you sit on a non-controversial conference committee. I think that's to be expected, "said Sen. Shelley Moore Capito Shelley Wellons Moore's CapitoTrump, dubious of a border deal, says that a new closure is" definitely an option "Energy : Wheeler Responds to Climate Criticism at Confirmation Hearing | Dems wants Interior to stop drilling work during shutdown | The year 2018 was the hottest ocean for the Dems Blast An EPA candidate at the confirmation hearing MORE (RW.Va.), What McConnell appointed to the committee the conference on Friday.

Capito said that the purpose of creating a conference committee is to return to "normal order" in order to try to offload some of the political charge of the negotiations.

The confrontation between Trump and Pelosi over the wall of the border became so acrimonious that it sometimes looked like a personal grudge match. When Pelosi tried to pressure Trump so that he reopened by canceling his invitation to deliver the speech on the state of the Union, he responded by canceling the military transport for his trip of the Congress delegation in Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan.

Capito, the chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Homeland Security Credits, negotiated a bill with the senator. Jon Tester Jonathan (Jon) TesterThe centrist efforts to convince Trump to end the closure of Falter Dems offer a measure to raise the minimum wage Some senators, Ocasio-Cortez is a weak spokesman of the party. MORE (Mont.), The most democrat in the subgroup, allocated $ 1.6 billion to border closures, an increase over what Congress had agreed was $ 30 billion for the US. Fiscal year 2018. All but five Democrats sitting on the credit committee voted in favor of adopting the measure in June

In addition to Durbin and Capito, Tester and Sens. Richard Shelby Richard Craig ShelbyGOP reverses the polls showing that he was losing the battle. The majority of Dem family members are getting closer to his point of view The Morning's Morning – Trump's New Immigration Plan Faces a Challenging Battle in the Senate PLUS (R-Ala. ), John Hoeven John Henry Hoeve nDems who are struggling to help low-wage entrepreneurs hurt by the closure of the Trump power plant to address the people of the wall Here are the legislators who will lose their wages when Closure of the company MORE (RN.D.), Blunt Roy Roy Dean Bluntist Republicans move away from closing tactics Negotiations on border security GOP Senator "Reasonably Optimistic" Will Succeed The Hill & # 39; s Morning – McConnell Says Pence Closure Must Stop MORE (R-Mo.) And Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) Appointed Representatives from the Senate to the negotiation of the next conference.

McConnell, who nominated participants Friday afternoon, chose four of his most pragmatic colleagues, sign that he wanted to get an agreement.

Since November, the GOP party leader has been trying to keep his Republican fellow citizens realistic about the chances of earning money for a border wall, warning shortly after the election that there should be "A kind of bipartite discussion".

There are signs that the two parties are getting closer last week.

The whip of the majority of the House, James Clyburn (DS.C.) said Wednesday that Democrats could support the $ 5.7 billion grant for border security, provided that he is not in danger. none of these resources are used to build an exterior wall.

Instead, he stated that Democrats would prefer a "smart wall", referring to the use of drones and other advanced technologies along the border and at the points of 39; entry.

By the way, Democrats last week offered $ 1.5 billion to border security measures for a bill to reopen the government.

This fueled some optimism that negotiators could challenge the odds and reach agreement on an insoluble issue that escaped compromise during Trump's two-year term.

"I am reasonably optimistic," said Blunt, a member of the conference, in "Fox News Sunday."

"I think everyone has entered the new world in which we are – Republican Senate, Democratic House, new President, Republican President," he added. "The initial touch of the gloves did not produce the kind of result we need to produce here."

However, Trump told the Wall Street Journal Sunday that it is doubtful that Congress will reach an agreement on financing the wall. , adding that another government ruling is "definitely an option".

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