What painful blow could the West bring to Russia: the answer is an economist


European countries have many tools to weaken the Kremlin's influence in the West. The most effective of them is the cessation of the construction of the North Stream-2 and the disconnection of Russia from the SWIFT system

This opinion was expressed by the economist and political scientist, director of the 39, Institute for the transformation of the company Oleg Soskin, writes Glavred.

Read also: Why Russia "North Stream-2" and which Ukraine can hope for support

He is convinced that the North Stream 2 project should be stopped as soon as possible. To do this, we need to create an alliance of countries that would work towards this task.

Who could enter the Union:

  • Ukraine;
  • Poland;
  • Baltic States;
  • US;
  • United Kingdom

. "Apparently, this is the most important strategic decision, what the West must do, this project must stop immediately, and the fact that the United States is showing such consistency and persistence." is very positive, the US rightly said it would impose sanctions on all companies involved in the construction of this pipeline. " According to the expert,

What is the "Nord Stream 2" and what is the threat to Ukraine? This is the project of a gas pipeline connecting Russia to Germany, which wants to cross the Baltic Sea bypassing Ukraine. Germany, Finland and Sweden have issued all permits for the construction and operation of the North Stream 2 pipeline. Poland, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Moldova, Slovakia, the United States and Denmark opposed the construction of the pipeline

. The emergence of this pipeline will increase the EU's dependence on Russia's Gazprom, which already supplies about one-third of its gas to the EU. After the launch of North Stream 2, Ukraine will lose not only the revenue of blue fuel transit, but also the lever of geopolitical influence.

At the same time, the European Commission has proposed to Ukraine to conclude an agreement on the use of its gas transmission network for at least the next ten years. According to Soskin, the second step on which the West should engage is a blow to Russian finances due to Russia's disconnection from the SWIFT payment system.

If the Russian Federation is disconnected from SWIFT, then the entire Russian economy will collapse within two to three weeks. He does not have any channel to create an alternative model of the existence of his economy. Because of its internal potential, Russia will not be able to live. This is proved by the Soviet Union and Russia is much smaller than the USSR,
he says.

One of the options for the decisive actions of European countries, which the political scientist believes, is the collapse of Russia.

What is SWIFT? This is an international system of payment and interbank transfer. It was founded in 1973 by 240 banks in 15 countries under Belgian law. It now has more than 10,000 participants from 210 countries. The head office is in Brussels.

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