How much would Medicare cost for all? Democrats' health plan explained


Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' "Medicare for All" Proposal Returns Significantly as Democratic Presidential Candidates Begin Making Waves for 2020.

Government-Financed Health System – Firmly opposed by President Trump and his Republican colleagues – would expand the benefits beyond what is already proposed in the Affordable Care Act of former President Barack Obama. The bill was introduced for the first time in 2016 by Sanders, who said it would be a step closer to achieving universal health care.

In an address for the official launch of her run to 2020, Senator Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Said "Health Care". is a fundamental right "and has promised to serve his constituents by supporting" Medicare for all. "


in August 2017, Harris became the first Democratic senator to support Sanders' "Medicare for All" bill.

"It's the right thing to do," Harris said at Period, according to the Washington Post.

Since 2020, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, DN.Y., former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro, Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. And representative Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, also approved the program.

But while Democrats adopt this plan, critics point to the growing cost of involving many studies putting many billions in billion.

Here's what you need to know.

Combi it would cost

There does not seem to be much controversy over a single payer system. Require tax increases because the government would essentially pay the premiums currently paid by employers and individuals as it replaces the private health insurance sector. The question is how much.

It is estimated that "Medicare for all" will cost tens of billions of dollars over a decade.

Several independent studies have estimated that public spending on health care would increase significantly, from $ 25 billion to $ 35 trillion or more over a 10-year period. Specifically, a study published during the summer by the Mercatus Center of George Mason University estimated that it would cost $ 32.6 trillion – $ 3.26 billion a year on 10 years. In comparison, the federal government's proposed budget for the 2019 fiscal year was $ 4.4 trillion, says the Congressional Budget Office.

Sanders criticized the Mercatus Center's analysis as "grossly misleading and biased".

To guarantee health care for all and achieve better results while spending significantly less per capita than us, it is absurd to suggest to everyone that the United States can not do the same, "replied Sanders, claiming on his website that his plan would cost about $ 1.38 trillion a year. "This extremely misleading and biased report is the response of the Koch brothers to the growing support in our country for a" Medicare for all "program."

The analysis conducted by the New York Times in 2017 showed at least 74 Millions of Americans currently benefiting from Medicaid could potentially be subject to higher taxes under "Medicare for All".

"The average of what people would pay if Costs and costs would go down," said Larry Levitt, executive vice president of health reform at the Kaiser Family Foundation, in August. "In general, Low-income people would end up paying less for health care, but high-income people would pay a lot more, depending largely on the taxes that are eventually raised to pay for the new plan. "

BERNIE SANDERS '"Medicine for All" bill estimated at $ 32.6 billion, says new study

] However, a recent estimate from the University of Massachusetts' Political Economy Research Institute at Amherst suggests that it could be lower, with significant cost savings, the government should raise about $ 1.1 trillion from new sources of u during the first year of the new program.

John Yarmuth, Chair of the House Budget Committee, asked the Congressional Budget Office for a full report on the single payer. The CBO is a non-partisan organization that analyzes the potential cost and impact of legislation. His estimate that millions of people would not be insured by Republican bills to repeal the Affordable Care Act was critical to the survival of Obama's health law.

What is "health insurance for all"? about the big plan. A recent survey conducted by NORC, a social science research institute at the University of Chicago, reveals that nearly half of adults say they have never heard anything about "Medicare for All".

Here is the basic idea: "Medicare for All" is a single payer health insurance plan that would require all US residents to be covered without copays or deductibles for medical services. The insurance industry would be regulated to play a minor role in the system.

"[Sanders’] This plan will cover the entire continuum of health care, from hospital care to ambulatory care, from preventive care to emergency care, from primary care to specialized care, including long-term care and long-term care. palliative care, sight, hearing and oral care, mental health and addiction treatment services, prescription drugs, medical equipment, supplies, diagnostics and treatments ", explains the former site of the Sanders campaign . "Patients will be able to choose a health care provider without worrying about whether this provider is networked and will be able to get the care they need without having to read small print or to try to understand how they can afford the of-pocket costs. "


The phrase" for all "does not mean that the plan would instantly give all American assurances. According to the NPR, it would slowly be extended to citizens – from the oldest to the youngest – over a four-year period.

Alex Pappas of Fox News and The Associated Press contributed to the writing of this report.

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