NASA will protect Earth from asteroids


As Ilon Mask prepares for an expedition to Mars, the Chinese besiege the moon and the Russians tell how they advance and colonize everywhere – the Americans have focused on a new mission. The US space agency NASA has begun to develop a protection of the Earth against the danger of asteroids.

The agency examined the problem and tested probes that must drop the meteorites from their orbit so that they do not heal on our planet. They help Europeans in this program. However, it is not just about "the effect of the billiard ball".

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A blow to a large asteroid can simply destroy all humanity. If, say, telescopes in orbit will fix tomorrow a similar celestial body that will follow the course of collision with Earth – the Earth, frankly, will have nothing to protect. Nobody has a slightly effective system to prevent a similar disaster in any country in the world.

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Now, according to NASA, this should change. The agency began developing and training space probes that "repelled" the asteroid threats in space. The first practical experience on such "reflection" is expected to take place in October 2022. It turns out that – a whole squadron of similar probes will be launched in Earth orbit, which will threaten it at the height of the fight – just in case.

The purpose of the experiment was the double Astirod Didimos – two relatively flying vessels flying close to one with one The largest of them has an approximate diameter of 800 meters, the most small about 150 meters. The two "twins" move in space at a distance of about one kilometer from one to the other. Similar double asteroids occur quite often – about a sixth meteor that revolves around the Earth is made up of at least two objects.

The problem is that if an asteroid of similar size actually hits Earth, a calamity will occur. Its mass will allow it to reach the Earth 's surface and not to burn in the atmosphere, and the explosion that such a "bomb" can cause will be more devastating than the. explosion of a nuclear head. On the other hand, it is not necessary to send the astronauts' ships to such a celestial body or to launch the same nuclear missiles in space as the heroes of many "apocalyptic" blockbusters did. Just hit the asteroid firmly to change its orbit and let it fly further …

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These are the "cosmic billiards" that American scientists want to do. The 500 kilogram probe named "Dart" of October 7, 2022 is as powerful as possible to push the smallest of the "Brother-Didymos", accelerating for that at a speed of 21,600 km / h. This pulse must change the orbital velocity of the asteroid by only 0.4 millimeters per second, as if it 's been acting a bit, but enough to be able to repair and measure that effect at using terrestrial telescopes. If this succeeds, it will prove that the change of momentum or "the effect of the billiard ball" also works in the space. In this case, nobody has any particular doubt, but it is nevertheless necessary to verify this in practice.

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In fact, losing space in a similar target is not a problem. it's so simple. There is such a cowboy reminder – they say, it is easier to cross the ocean to aim a ball in a ball. It 's probably easier because here will have to harvest the small probe (at the cosmic scale) in a slightly larger asteroid, across millions of kilometers of "the world ocean", and provided that the asteroid is flying at a crazy speed.


NASA will divide asteroids

This will have to be prepared and targeted at best.Always do it in advance.The" starting box "for the dartboard (which means not the arrow that targets the target in a well known game, and the summary of the double asteroid redirection test) of 12.5 x 2.4 meters will be open from the end of December 2020 to May 2021 It is precisely at this time that a rocket will have to be launched in order for the probe to reach Didymus – sooner or later – and it will go beyond the target

At the time of the Dart Riddle and Didimus , a double asteroid weighing about 530 million tonnes will be about 11 million kilometers from the Earth.The automatic and autonomous navigation system must ensure that the probe is actually aimed at the meteor, and the camera must be on board. To remove and transmit it to the Earth.

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In fact, open On April 11, 1996, Didimos (double astiros) poses no danger to the Earth itself – it is actually chosen for the experiment because its orbit goes far enough away from our planet and even if the probe sound makes it rock on the wrong side – it is the same Close the Earth at a great distance. Ideal for the test.

And not only will the concept of "billiard ball" be checked. It is also a question of checking the new NEXT-C (ionic) electric motor – and this verification could be no less important than a game in "space billiards". Because the ion engine, devised by generations of researchers, is virtually the key to the entire solar system. Spaceships equipped with this type of engine will indeed, like the dream Ilon Mask, ensure the foundation of colonies on Mars, and the Moon will become a kind of "backyard" of the Earth.

However, it is still necessary to survive and, for the moment, to be the first cosmic ion. The engine, developed by scientists at Glenna Research Center in Cleveland, will be installed on Dart. The probe will be equipped with solar panels that should power the engine on the road.

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Although the Dart program is considered the development of NASA and the Johns Hopkins University, without international cooperation, this n & rsquo; Is not the case – in fact, as in any space project. In the implementation of the program, US scientists are assisted by their European colleagues from the ESA space agency. They develop their own duplicated probe, which must also travel to Didimos. The "Hera" probe should begin in 2023 and pilot "Dart" to be able to record data on the collision of an American probe with a meteor – duplication in space will never interfere, the data must reach the Earth at all costs.

ESA commissioned private research firm GomSpace to develop a nanosatellite that should be placed on a smaller asteroid, Didimos (also called Didimmun).

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These data are also important. develop a sustainable technology to reflect the asteroids of the Earth. Because the behavior of each of these objects during a collision depends on the direction in which it is formed, which is the density and the relief of the surface. Nobody wants to keep the asteroid for it to collapse, for example, instead of jumping and that the wreck crushes on the ground …

So much that humanity will remain helpless in the face of asteroids' impact – there is no technology, no single concepts. The current experience is only the first step. Even if that will succeed, it will remain for tens of years until the security system is fully equipped and ready. One can only hope that at that time, humanity will survive – that the asteroids do not fall, or that we do not kill ourselves … or will we follow the reinsertion of Mask in the solar system.

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