The United States introduced new sanctions against Venezuela / New Time


Yesterday, 23h05


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United States imposes new restrictions

The United States imposed new sanctions on Venezuela, announced the Assistant Secretary of State for National Security, John Bolton, at the BBC. Washington will block the company's assets for seven billion dollars.

Read also: Huang Guaido. What is known about the 35-year-old engineer who challenged the president of Venezuela

On January 10, the second cadence of Nicholas Maduro began. After the inauguration on January 15, the Venezuelan Parliament declared Maduro usurper.

The National Assembly, controlled by the majority of the opposition, declared the second term of illegitimate Maduro. Juan Guaido, 35, was elected Speaker of Parliament.

On January 21, in the country's capital, Karakassy, ​​a group of armed forces demanded the removal of the president and urged the country's citizens to join the uprising. At least 14 people died in a clash during a protest.

On January 23, Guaido is proclaimed "acting president". Guaydou's support was announced by the United States, the EU, Canada, Israel, Guatemala, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama , Bolivia and other countries.

The leaders of France and Spain have given eight days to the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, for the announcement of the election, otherwise they will recognize Juan Guadio as president of the country.

At the same time, the Russian Federation recognized the May elections and Maduro – the legitimate head of state. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko, have also joined this position.

Nicholas Maduro stated that he had no plans to leave the post of Venezuelan president before the expiry of his term in 2025.

See also: Maduro must leave. World Mass Media on what is happening in Venezuela

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