Journalists have noticed the similarity between Kidman and his niece


For the premiere of her new film, The Time of Retire in Sydney, 51-year-old Hollywood star Nicole Kidman took her niece with her. The ladies were dressed in a contrasting outfit. Lucia Holly, 19, was dressed in a black lace dress. His famous aunt was limited to a strict white suit. The reporters immediately noted the family resemblance. "Twinkle in the eyes", – writes the British edition of the Daily Mail.

It should be noted that Lucia is the daughter of a younger sister, Nicole Anthony, while the sisters are very close to each other. Lucia chooses an actress career at the moment is unknown. Her 48-year-old mother is a popular TV presenter in Australia and a journalist. Lucia is the eldest of Anthony, who has been married twice. In total, she has six children.

Recall, it had already been pointed out that the scandal of the Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova came out of the skin to show the "luxurious life" of the network, but more and more disappointing fans with their posts on Instagram. The artist continuously publishes advertisements, because of which his sympathizers have begun to feel the well-being of celebrities. And the insane antics of Vlogochkova only frustrate even the most loyal fans. The last time it became an exception, which caused an avalanche of discussions from subscribers.

As a "Know" portal, the Russian showman Alexander Tsekalo recently spoke of divorce with his wife Victoria Galushko and is already in touch with another girl. . At first, everyone thought it was an ordinary model, but in reality, everything happened quite differently. Erwin has managed to shoot several episodes of Hollywood movies. It could be seen in one of the series "The Ideal Kill". Erwin appeared in the romantic comedy "Someone on a Birthday" with Sharon Stone in the lead role. The girl appeared in the prestigious Theater 68 of Los Angeles before closing it.

Plus, "Know.u." wrote that Celine Dion had been able to attract a lot of attention on Fashion Week in Paris. She not only showed the young friend, the dancer Pepe Manos, but she also lit bold clothes.

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