Russia "will do anything" to support Maduro – Lavrov – News from the world


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In Russia, Maduro, unlike the United States and several other countries, is considered the legitimate president of Venezuela.

  Lavrov said that Russia would support Maduro / photo "src =" "title =" Lavrov said that the Russia would support Maduro / photo "/> 

<p> Lavrov said Russia would support Maduro / photo </p>
<p><h2 class= The Russian Foreign Ministry and the Kremlin have strongly condemned the sanctions imposed by the United States against the Venezuelan oil and gas company PDVSA

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described them as "illegitimate." According to Mr. Lavrov, Russia "will do everything "to support the Venezuelan president, Nicholas Maduro, who, contrary to the United States and many other countries, finds legitimacy in Russia, reports Radio Liberty

.] Lavrov accused the United States of preparing for the overthrow from Maduro, the attac Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov made similar findings.

See also Trump contemplates the possibility of an entry of military forces in Venezuela –

January Nicholas Maduro took office as president of Venezuela after the transfer. Election for a second term.

The United States and Latin America call it the usurper of power, which leads the country to a humanitarian crisis. On 21 January, in the capital Karakash, a group of military forces demanded the dismissal of the president and called on the country's citizens to join the demonstration.

On January 23, the leader of the opposition, Venezuela Guaido, declared himself acting chief. Maduro called it a coup organized by Washington and announced the breakup of diplomatic relations with the United States. Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrini Lopez said the army did not recognize parliament speaker Juan Guadio as president of the country.

Maduro stated that he had no plans to leave the Venezuelan post before the expiry of his term in 2025.

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