"Non-existent" letters: Russians convicted in Ukraine wrote to Putin


Russians convicted of participating in the war against Donbass and serving sentences in Ukraine wrote to their president, Vladimir Putin.

These people are on the list of Ukrainians for exchange purposes and do not even recognize their existence in Russia. The letters of these prisoners were published in the Russian edition of Novaya Gazeta.

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A request for assistance for the return to Russia Vladimir Putin sent 22 Russian to his post SIZO and settlements # 39; Ukraine. The letters were rewritten in August 2018 and immediately transferred to the Russian side with the help of the appropriate diplomatic channels.

No response to the request of the Russian Federation has been received, no one has been interested in the fate of his compatriots. Similarly, Russian consular officers did not visit the prisoners for taking part in the war against the Donbass, no one contacted their relatives.

Russia continues to play "ihtnamets" at all levels. Ukraine is ready to give them, and they ask for it themselves. Do not just ask – write petitions, petitions to the president of his country with the request to exchange them for Ukrainians, prisoners in the Russian Federation. It is therefore more important for Russia: to continue to torment Sentsova, Balouch, to plant mushrooms, that is, to punish, punish, punish or liberate their citizens? , which contains 25 Russian names, that Ukraine is ready to trade against its political prisoners and prisoners of war in the Russian Federation

But at the previous meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk on December 19, Ukraine proposed to exchange 66 sentenced activists against 19 detainees in the occupied territory Ukraine. However, the parties were not in agreement on this exchange.

The last exchange between Ukraine and the militants took place on December 27, 2017. Then, captives of the fighters were able to return 74 Ukrainians.

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