As Ukrainians in Philadelphia have kept the Ukrainian traditions and language for over a century


For many years in the United States, the Ukrainian community has created many institutions and organizations, built churches, schools and businesses across the country. The community of Philadelphia and its suburbs is one of the largest, most prosperous and most active. In addition to traditional churches, Ukrainians in the region are united by the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center.

The Center has been serving the Ukrainian community of Philadelphia for nearly 40 years. Created by the efforts of the Steering Committee of the Ukrainian Saturday School, the Center now houses more than thirty Ukrainian organizations.

We have a Ukrainian library, we have three choirs, a separate choir of children, we have "Plast" and CYM "

" What does it mean to serve? Have a kindergarten, a Ukrainian school, a credit, what we have, inside, to have a Union of Ukrainian women. We have a Ukrainian library, we have three choirs, a separate choir for children, we have Plast and CYM, "says the president of the Ukrainian Center for Education and Culture Andrea Zharovska . [19659005] For the youngest, there is a children's garden "Svitlychka", all educators – from Ukraine, have a teaching education, communication exclusively in Ukrainian.

We try to to instil in these children the love and knowledge of the fact that we are Ukrainians, sit down in these little hearts of grain

"We celebrate all the Ukrainian holidays, as their peers, our parents and our families celebrate in Ukraine. We try to instil in these children the love and knowledge of the fact that we are Ukrainians. Sow in these little hearts of grain. We hope that they will grow fruitfully. From the very first time of the existence of the "Light", since its inception, the fundamental principles, the foundation, were two slogans – that is God and Ukraine. Every day we begin with prayer. This is the basis of the fact that our students will become true Ukrainians here, far from Ukraine, but they will know that they are Ukrainians, "says administrator of Svitlychyk Ruslana Fartachuk .

Students eat only home cooking – borscht, dumplings, deruny.The parents, as they say in "Svetlichka", do not need to worry about the child.

"We do not need to worry about the child. Let's not try to be a children's garden, but as a children's garden of the family, that is to say we can take a guardian in our hands to have fun If a child does not want to sleep, he will become a victim. This is how the relationship is really established between grandmothers and mom at home. That is, they send us children in the morning and they know that children are safe and that they love in the first place ", – says the administrator.

However, according to the parents, the essential is the foundation of the Ukrainian language.

Ultimately, this is the Ukrainian language and culture

"In the end, it is a question of language and culture Ukrainian. Because to go to the American school – and everything disappears quickly and is forgotten. And since they already have this base for five or six years, the Ukrainian language is still present, "explains his mother, Ivanna Plakhta .

And to deepen their knowledge of the language, the language is still there. History and traditions, kindergarten graduates can at Saturday school.It also has a public youth center for socially active students.

Not only do they care to communicate with members of Congress, government officials, etc.

"We need to raise our children, make them aware citizens and encourage them to engage in politics. We decided to pay attention to our teenage children. As a result, a special public club was established at the Ukrainian school, which included teenage children interested in public life. Little by little, they began to interest not only members of Congress, government officials, and so on. They started to accompany us at a convention meeting. They have great interest and activity, and I hope we can train a future congressman or senator, "said Irina Mazur a public activist.

Especially proud of the partnership with Voloshka Dance Team, which fights for state grants with the prestigious Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra and the Pennsylvania Ballet The artistic director of the collective Taras Levytsky names his dancers diplomats of Ukrainian culture. [19659017] "Our audience is mainly composed of Americans, we are also in Canada and we work as ambassadors of Ukrainian culture in America. This year we worked with the Crimean Tatars in Kiev and numbered the number of Crimean Tatars so that the Americans know that our program contains figures from all over Ukraine. There is Transcarpathia, there is Volhynia, there is the center of Ukraine. In addition, there will now be a Tatar Crimean ", – says the artistic director of the ensemble" Voloshka "Taras Levytsky.

Taras also puts Ukrainian halls at the disposal of American collectives. it helps the Pennsylvania Ballet to master Hopak.

The ensemble "Voloshka" has been trying for 25 years to maintain close cooperation with the masters and musicians in Ukraine.

"We write music in Ukraine since 25 years. The symphony orchestra writes us. All costumes are sewn in Ukraine. I would say that for 25 years we have invested more than $ 700,000 through the grants we have received, we have invested in Ukrainian art in Ukraine, "Levytskyi said.

They collaborate with local Ukrainian organizations. In the Ukrainian center, the conditions are ideal for that.

Previously, the diaspora was scattered throughout the city of Philadelphia.We are now in the same place and it is easier to make joint projects

"C ' is a very dynamic center, everything is there. Everyone is here, everyone knows what others are doing and it's a benefit. Previously, the diaspora was scattered across Philadelphia, and now we are all in one place and it is easier to make joint projects. And there are so many in Philadelphia now, "says artistic director of the Voloshka Ensemble.

" We are here like a wood. 420 children. You can order food, fried onions, dumplings, something to repair or just come to the exhibition, showing the film, "says Andrea Zharovska, president of the Center for Education and Culture Ukrainian

The Ukrainian community of Pennsylvania is considered one of the most dynamic and active in the United States.

See also: Ukrainian artists group Dakh Daughters to conquer of America


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