The British Parliament supported the Prime Minister of Brexit


London – The British Parliament voted by 317 votes in favor, against 301 votes against the corrected plan of Prime Minister Teresa May for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. All this means that the head of the British government will soon be back in Brussels to hold a new round of talks with the EU to resolve the controversial aspects of the agreement on the future border between the EU and the EU. Ireland and Northern Ireland after Britain leaves the EU. Brussels, meanwhile, states that it is not ready for further negotiations and that the agreement on Britain's withdrawal from the EU is final.

Therefore, the main consequence of the vote in the British Parliament is that British Prime Minister Teresa Maye will again be forced to return to Brussels to "negotiate" more with the European Union on the terms of "divorce". Britain with the EU.

It must be admitted that Teresa May triumphed over Westminster deputies who tried to delay as much as possible or cancel Brexit altogether.

  Speech by Teresa May in the British Parliament on January 29, 2019

Speech by Teresa May in the British Parliament Parliament on January 29, 2019

This was to some extent the revenge of the British leader for his defeat at the Preliminary vote on the approval of his plan on Brexit in the House of Commons of the British Parliament two weeks ago.

However, the task now awaiting the British Prime Minister yesterday does not make his life lighter, because on the horizon, there are again very painful and lengthy negotiations with the EU. which have already been going on for several months.

Theresa May has to convince EU leaders that modern technology can replace the need to establish a "rigid" system. the border between Ireland, which is a member of the EU, and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom.

At the same time, Brussels has already begun to follow up on the promises of the British authorities to join the European Union on the issue of the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The agreement can no longer be the subject of negotiations

President of the European Council of Europe

. Donald Tusk denied the possibility of further negotiations on this issue.

"The moment at the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland is part of the agreement on the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union. agreement, in turn, can not again be the subject of negotiations, "said Donald Tusk.

  Donald Tusk

Donald Tusk

In addition, the Irish government also rejected the possibility of further discussions on this issue.

The Irish Deputy Prime Minister Simon Cowney said that in the case of departure from England. with the EU, the "hard" border between Ireland and Northern Ireland will become a mandatory requirement.

And the main representative of the European Parliament during the negotiations on Brexit Gee Verhofstadt declared that there was no majority in Brussels for this. , in order to relaunch the negotiation process with what has already been done speech.

It is clear that Prime Minister Teresa May does not have any illusions about the prevailing mood in Brussels over the possibility of resuming negotiations on the agreement on the withdrawal of the Great Britain of the EU.

  A poster against Breccia on the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. June 2018, Belic village in Northern Ireland

A poster against Breckish on the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. June 2018, the village of Belic in Northern Ireland

However, May must communicate with Donald Tusk and the Prime Minister of Ireland Leo Varadarom . According to the British Prime Minister, Teresa May will return to Brussels just after declaring "it's dusty" after voting in the British Parliament. And that can happen next week.

Theresa May softens the tone

Another notable consequence of yesterday's vote in the British Parliament on the Brexit issue will be the meeting of the British Prime Minister with the leader of the Labor Opposition Party Jeremy Corbin . His position with regard to the reluctance to discuss Brexit face-to-face at Downing Street 10. This occurred after British MPs rejected the Labor Party's amendment during the vote, according to which the UK could not leave the EU without any agreement.

  Jeremy Corbin

Jeremy Corbin

Despite the rejection of this amendment by the Labor Party in Parliament, it should be noted that Prime Minister May has somewhat weakened his position on the eventual withdrawal of Great Britain. Brittany of the EU without any agreement. At the same time, she added that opposing the exit of the EU without an agreement is insufficient.

"In this situation, it is important that members of all political forces mobilize to translate the decision of British citizens into a referendum in 2016 and restore confidence in the British democracy.We must build a country that will work. for everyone, "said the British prime minister.

It is important that MPs from all political forces mobilize to implement the decision of British citizens in a referendum held in 2016

Teresa May added that the parliamentary vote had confirmed that She had, as she said, a "visible and stable" majority for the approval of her decision. a plan to leave the EU

The British Prime Minister has promised MEPs to be able to vote in two weeks for the new Brexit plan. Observers note that the promise to vote in the House of Commons on February 14 was the price paid in May to MPs who did not vote for the amendment, according to which Brexit would be moving away in time from April to October. absence of an approved agreement with the EU.

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