Can a president of the LGBT community be president in Ukraine?


Ukraine and 96 United Nations Member States have signed the United Nations Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Identity. With this document, we condemn discrimination, harassment, sexual orientation and the isolation of gender identity. But condemn and support – different concepts, especially in politics.

Are ordinary Ukrainians ready to vote for a presidential candidate who confesses their unconventional orientation – the learned journalist of Channel 24.

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Family values ​​or freedom of choice?

In 2014, the United Nations, as an employer, announced that they would distribute benefits to their employees who married in a gay marriage in countries where they are legal. Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for stronger respect for the rights of LGBT people. He stated the following:

Human rights are at the heart of the UN mission. I am proud to see greater equality for all employees and to encourage all members of our UN family to unite to reject homophobia as discrimination that can never be tolerated on our workplace.

Ukrainian society theoretically supports such values. Certainly, few people dare to tell their full truth about their sexual orientation. Especially when it comes to politicians.

 Elections, voting, voting
Most Ukrainian voters have a conservative taste

A politician who frankly says his unconventional orientation will not be able to win the prize. election. After the Association's signature with the EU, we tried to prove that the protection of minorities was a very important value for Ukrainian society. Attempts to demonstrate tolerance towards LGBT community representatives only prove that our society was and remains fairly traditional, adhering to family values ​​
said political scientist Adriy Miselyuk, director of the Institute for Socio-Politics Dialog Design. ] Read also: Elections of the President of Ukraine-2019: who will go and what are his chances

Even the policies of sexual orientation which, on the sidelines of the Verkhovna Rada, teach us many interesting things , publicly attempt to prove their support in every way possible. roseksualnosti. Some even marry, trying to deceive their essence or only their constituents.

Ukrainian society is traditional and conservative, where Christian values ​​occupy a prominent place in the minds of citizens. So, of course, the chances of an election victory for a person who publicly recognizes his unconventional orientation are very low. By the way, a similar situation does not only occur in Ukraine, but also in Poland and in many other countries of Central and Eastern Europe,
– the head of the center for analysis and analysis. "Eidos" analysis, Viktor Taran, explains to 24 channels

Personal choice

] In Ukraine, not only the vast majority of citizens are not favorable to the LGBT community, but also very disrespectful to its representatives. For true tolerance, our society is still far away. In addition, we even build a black PR on the fact that they are launching rumors about the "other" orientation of the candidate.

In Ukraine, if we want to do the anti-PR, we are launching a flash mob or an unusual march to support a particular candidate. We use these steps as a black PR. Incidentally, during the 2012 campaign against Alexei Goncharenko, a member of the BPP, he used this technology,
– reminds Victor Taran.

 LGBT community parade
In our policy, membership in the LGBT community is used. as black PR

The worst manifestation of a black antipiar based on sexual orientation was applied to the majority districts in 2012 against the candidate Elena Goleva. Then they told me that she was a representative of the LGBT community. Citizens of the postcard informed her that it was written that a woman is transgender. Of course, this information was absurd since she gave birth to three children.

The president, who officially declares his membership of the LGBT community, is unrealistic! We still have a conservative society. In which of the European countries did you see the politics of the national level, who declared that he was gay? At the local level, it is still possible. Sometimes we idealize a little Europe and imagine that it does not exist in real life. As a result, most people of traditional orientation tend to behave in the same way as they are candidates,
– convinces political technologist Taras Zagorodny.

From Iceland to Luxembourg

However, in recent years in Europe and not only the same since there were politicians who officially admitted to belonging to the LGBT community.

Johann Sigurdardottir, the first in the history of the LGBT community, led by the Icelandic government. She was Prime Minister of Iceland from 2009 to 2013. In 2010, she married her partner, becoming the first politician in world history to officially sign the same-sex marriage.

 Same-sex marriage, marriage, politics
Densten and Bethel officially parade in 2015

Former German Vice-Chancellor, Guido Westerwelle, held this position from 2009 to 2011. In 2010, the politician has signed a partnership with his beloved Mikhail Mornets. He said his orientation was very unusual – he came with his beloved to celebrate the 50th birthday of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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In Luxembourg, Xavier Bethel also spoke frankly about his membership in the LGBT community. In 2015, he met his partner, the Belgian architect Gauthier Densten. Regarding his choice, the politician said he had a life he did not want to hide.

From 2017, Leo Varadcar was elected Prime Minister of Ireland. He became not only the youngest head of government, but also an official who, before being appointed to this post, declared his orientation. He made this confession in 2015 while he was Minister of Health.

In Ukrainian politics, such honesty will probably not be understood by voters alone.

When will the presidential elections be held? On March 8, 2019, the final list of candidates for the presidential election will be known. The first round of elections will be held on March 31, 2019. The official results of the first round must be announced before April 10. If the decision to organize the second round is taken, it will take place on April 21st.

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