An alleged strip search of four black schoolgirls opens an investigation


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from Janelle Griffith

Allegations that four black schoolgirls from black-in-the-moon searches in upstate New York raised calls for state investigation.

The four four-year-old students and their parents say that the girls were interrogated and forced to undress by the deputy director and nurse of East Middle School School in Binghamton on Jan. 15, suspected of possession of drugs because they were acting "dizzy".

The school district announced this week that it had hired an independent firm to review the allegations.

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo also addressed the issue Wednesday, saying that he had asked the State Department of Education of investigate these charges. He also raised the question of whether race was a factor.

"Allegations that 12-year-old girls were searched for a drug after being perceived as" hyper and dizzying "in a college in Binghamton are deeply troubling Cuomo said in a statement that his country was preoccupied with racial and sexual prejudices, "Cuomo said in a statement.

Binghamton is a city located at the center of the state of Washington, United States. Census Data

The alleged incident sparked a protest in high school Tuesday night, with a rally organized by Progressive Leaders of Tomorrow, a Binghamton organization that defends marginalized communities. The group stated that the parents of the girls had not given their consent for the excavations and that they had not been contacted before.

Although the school district has announced that a third-party firm would conduct an independent investigation, it states that there is no evidence of strip search. .

"It must be repeated, we have no evidence that a strip search was conducted by the administration," the statement said. "We only turn to medical assessment if we find clear reasons to worry about the safety and health of our students, as was the case here."

At a school council meeting last week, the council said that "misinformation". were disseminated via social media and the students were assessed, which may require a person to remove "his bulky outer clothing to expose an arm, so he can view vital information such as blood pressure and the pulse".

The four girls were not suspended or punished and were allowed to return to class after being assessed. The district also reported that the parents had been contacted on January 15th.

"The school district of the city of Binghamton should never have declared" that no student was subjected to a strip search ", solely because of an alleged lack. of evidence, especially in front of the criminal. or an independent inquiry is over, "said Tomorrow's Progressive News on Wednesday at NBC News. "The first-hand accounts of the four victims are evidence, both legally and morally, and we support these girls 100%."

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