The actor who starred in the movie Terminator is dead


  Deceased actor who played in the movie Terminator

Photo: RTE

Died in the role of actor Dick Miller playing in the movie Gremlin and Terminator

A man died in Los Angeles in the age of 90 years. It is known that the surviving old man died of a natural cause.

The actor Dick Miller, known for the film Terminator and a few other films, died in Los Angeles. At the time of his death, the artist was 90 years old. He writes about it RTE .

During his long career, he has managed to appear in more than 100 films. The representative of the actor noted that he had died for natural reasons.

"His sense of humor and his unique look at the world have earned him many friends and admirers around the world," said the family of the deceased in an official speech.

Among the films in which Miller played, – Terminator The suburbs After the work of Gremlins and I want to hold your hand . The band that made it famous is the cassette The Bucket of Blood published in 1959.

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