In Russia, a scandal erupted following the death of a militant child accused of "cooperation with an unwanted organization" – The World


A 17-year-old girl suffered from a congenital illness, but Anastasia Shevchenko was sent under house arrest without allowing her to take care of her daughter.

In Russia, the scandal erupted and resulted in the death of the resuscitation of Alina, aged 17 – the daughter of an activist of the Open Russia Anastasiya Shevchenko, who was judged by the article on "cooperation with an unwanted organization" and which has not been allowed for a long time to his own child.

At the death of the girl said on his Facebook page, the coordinator of the Russian Open Human Rights, Polina Nemirovska.

"The daughter of an activist" Open wrongly "Anastasia Shevchenko died in intensive care Today we are going to investigate Nastia to see it", – she wrote

aktyvystky daughter Otkrыtoy Russia Anastasia Shevchenko died in the resuscitation .. Yesterday, the investigator released Nastya to see her

Posted by Polina Nemirovsky on Thursday January 31, 2019

According to Nemirovskaya, at first the doctors did not allow him to go to his daughter's house, and then they were released.

"Nastya was with her," said the human rights activist.

Note that the girl had a disability and lived at the age of five. specialized boarding school. She was hospitalized for obstructive bronchitis, then transferred to intensive care in critical condition. Anastasia Shevchenko was the only guardian of the girl, reported to have been reported to the court, as well as the fact that the deterioration of her health could be fatal to Alina due to an innate illness.

Instead, the Russian court placed Anastasia Shevchenko under house arrest, barring him from visiting him. The investigator allowed Shevchenko to go to the hospital and stay there until 1 February.

An activist from "Open Russia" was arrested in January. The first time in Russia, a criminal case for cooperation had been opened. desirable organization. According to the investigation, Shevchenko, "realizing the criminal intent, participated in the activity of the movement" Open Russia ", recognized as undesirable in Russia". In particular, at a meeting in Ulyanovsk in September, a woman reportedly advised other activists to join protest groups, providing them with free legal assistance or creating "thematic accounts" in social networks. In addition, at a rally in November, Shevchenko "demonstrated the symbols" of the campaign "# Nadoel", whose main purpose, according to the survey, was to "discredit the executive bodies".

In turn, the activist did not acknowledge his guilt and characterized the case as "political". Moreover, according to local media, activists of "open Russia" are sought in different cities of the country.

Today, social tensions become more and more indignant, the Russian journalist Yevgeny Levkovich said in particular that "Vladimir Putin personally killed another small person. And with her, a whole family. "

On January 23, Anastasia Shevchenko was arrested and collaborated with Open Russia and was arrested under a new law on …

Posted by Evgeny Levkovich Thursday 31st January 2019

Nastya Shevchenko's daughter died at the hospital. It's just horror! Anastasia Shevchenko was arrested in a cooperation case with …

Posted by Politics Ksenia Sobchak Thursday, January 31, 2019

The daughter of Anastasia Shevchenko, arrested for belonging to Open Russia, died in a hospital. The day before, the court …

Posted by Igor Drandin Thursday 31 January 2019

The daughter of Anastasia Shevchenko, arrested for participating in "Open Russia", died in intensive care …

Posted by Dmitry Krayukhin Thursday 31st January 2019

Reminder, the movement "Open Russia" in 2001 was founded by Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Then, the organization is mainly engaged in educational projects. After the verdict in the Yukos case, the work of "open Russia" practically stopped, but the activity was restored after the departure of Khodorkovsky from prison in 2014. In April 2017, Mikhail Khodorkovsky left the post of president of the movement "Open Russia" but retained the status of its founder.

In the past, several foreign structures associated with Khodorkovsky have been recognized as undesirable in Russia. in their names, the phrase "open Russia". However, the Russian movement "Open Russia" insists that it has nothing to do with these structures.

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