"I saw what the end of the world looked like", – Komarov about the disaster in Brazil


The host shared a photo of the dam in Brazil

Author and host of the program The world is on the 1 + 1 Dmitry Komarov   The pirate, the world is over Dmitry Komarov is barely became a prey for pirates which is now in Brazil, showed the consequences of a revolutionary barrage on its page of the social network.

Having heard of a disaster in the southeastern part of the country, the TV host gave up the shooting and went to the scene Search and Rescue Operation: [19659006] "Full reassessment of values" I was working with local residents, lifeguards, vets and extremely difficult days, muddy up to the knees, mixed with chemicals and a 40-degree heat, "said Dmitry


The TV host urged the Ukrainian authorities to prevent such a situation in our country and to pay special attention to the state of the dams and tanks:

"It is important to learn from the mistakes of others. In Brazil, several months before the disaster, there was a commission composed of Germans. Conclusion: There is no threat to Brumadine, everything is safe. And now … I saw what Hell looked like. And I'm very scared to see such a second time. "

Watch for the presence of a television host on his official social network pages and the new World Program releases are reversed every Wednesday at 10 pm: 45

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