The opposition leader, Venezuela Guaydo, said the police were entering his home.


Today, 20:34


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Juan Guaido with his wife

Venezuelan opposition leader Huang Guaido, who himself declared himself interim president, accused the president of Nicholas Maduro having put pressure on him and his family. According to him, members of the police special forces in his absence broke into his house, where his wife and 20-month-old daughter were.

"I consider you responsible for all threats against my child," said Guaido. , adding that the police had asked about his wife.

or states that support Huaydo regime previously warned Maduro of "serious consequences" if the opposition leader to use force.

Recall, on January 23, the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Huaydo himself declared "acting president". The United States has recognized Guadigo as interim president of Venezuela and strengthened the sanctions against President Nicholas Maduro

Nicholas Maduro said that he had no intention to leave the post of Venezuela before the expiry of his mandate in 2025.

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