"Long live the beach". Bolton advised Maduro to leave Venezuela as soon as possible – the World


Bolton wishes to Maduro "a long and calm retreat on a pretty beach".

US Secretary of State for National Security, John Bolton, advises to President Venezuela Nicholas Maduro and his advisers to take advantage of the law of parliamentary amnesty and the 39 abandonment Country as soon as possible.

Here's what he wrote on Thursday, Jan. 31 on his Twitter.

"I wish Nicholas Maduro and his councilors a long and peaceful retirement, a life on a beautiful beach somewhere far away from Venezuela, they should take advantage of President Guaydo's amnesty and move on as quickly as possible. better, "Bolton wrote.

On January 23, Venezuela began demonstrating en masse against President Nicholas Maduro. Head of the National Opposition Assembly of Venezuela Huang Guayido declared himself president of the country. The National Assembly has in turn announced the appointment of Guaido as the country's president.

The White House announced that US President Donald Trump had already officially recognized him as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. About Guadiano was recognized as the legitimate leader of Venezuela by Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Canada. Juan Guayado also supported the Organization of American States. Later, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the decision to sever diplomatic relations with the United States with the support of Guaido

 who recognized Maduro as president of Venezuela. Infographics

Who recognized Maduro as president of Venezuela. Infographics

Europe also reacted to events in Venezuela. Germany and Spain called on Maduro to announce a new presidential election for eight days, otherwise they will be recognized as the legitimate leader of Guaido. In response to this, Nicolas Maduro advised Europe to abandon his ultimatum and not to be mistaken.

Video Venezuelan crisis: the protests in this country of Latin America hit Russia and the United States

the second elected president, Nicholas Maduro, parliament speaker Huang Guaido, with the Venezuelan support, he declared himself head of state.

  Venezuelan crisis: the demonstrations in this country of Latin America pushed Russia and the United States

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