Ulyana Suprun and medical cannabis: the reaction of social networks


  Participant at the celebration on the occasion of the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes in the US state of Colorado

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Celebration of the Legalization of Kanis for Medical Purposes in the State of Colorado

Ulyana Suprun, Minister of Health of Ukraine, called to support a petition on the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. His group of NGOs registered it two days ago on the website of the Verkhovna Rada. Ms. Suprun's Facebook message provoked a violent social reaction.

Ms. Suprun's statement provoked a wave of humorous messages and "photoshops" that users left on the page. the minister

"Marijuana is not a drug! Dear my school and its old inhabitants, you tell me 11 years in error" – Yuri Avramenko, a joke joke.

Some admitted Ulyani Suprun in love, others simply thanked the attention that they brought to themes

Journalist and musician Yevhen Manzhenko called Ms. Suprun "Minister of Civilizations from Ukraine ". And many users mentioned their own experience in caring for sick parents.

There is no way to stay behind the flash mob and program page "ProZorro", which controls the process of bidding and public procurement. He was reminded in case the American businessman Ion Mask began to campaign for the legalization of marijuana directly during an interview and even "tightened" in front of the camera.

Editor-in-chief Andriy Bashtovy ironically associated the course of the presidential campaign in Ukraine with ideas on the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes.

A blogger under the name Sum Sin joked about Suprun's activity in social networks.

However, there were opponents to the call to act the minister Some users blamed Ms. Suprun for allegedly advertising for drugs and linked drug addiction to the marijuana.

"Kanabis is a medical preparation and it is not necessary that the law be passed, but advertising for narcotics is not professional," writes Vadim Bondar.

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others predicted the possible negative consequences of legalization.

"Why not tell us what the grass stings?" There was a multivariate study on this and the fact that marijuana-consuming countries are far from being the smartest. Take it immediately as a means of relaxation, such as alcohol, "complains Mikhail Vlasenko.

Many users have also compared the use of alcohol and marijuana, calling for the legalization of alcohol and marijuana. a staggering, but instead banned alcohol.

Parallel to the petition on social networks, Facebook launched a hashtag # StopPrice, intended to draw attention to the problem. hours after the publication of Ulyana Suprun, the petition has collected two thousand additional votes.

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