It's still too early to release Tsygankova ᐉ UA-Football


Dynamo head coach Oleksandr Khatskevich commented on the latest news about transfers.

– Many staff problems. First of all, the situation concerning Garmash, about which you have in principle spoken openly at press conferences at the end of the first half of this season. Did Denis finally draw conclusions?

– As the first collection showed, Denis has done very well in terms of attitude towards work. But the mistakes he has had, in particular, in the match against Steaua, a footballer of this level and with such experience can not allow it. In contrast, the mark of 92 minutes does not let the football player out of the box! It's the responsibility of the result of the whole team.

– Did you tell him after the match?

– We have everything honestly and openly. If you are wrong, be nice, correct your mistake.

– Did he hear you?

– It was a pre-game match, he did not participate in the next match. You must be responsible for your mistakes. It is only his attitude that to earn the right to go on the field for 30, 45 or 60 minutes.

Again, there are no questions about Denis in the training process.

– Morozyuk is gone: do not you think it's a risk in terms of downsizing to the right defender's position?

– Maybe because Kolya could close the defender's position and left and right flank. It was possible to play and the midfielder extreme. So, maybe during that time, we were somewhere in danger, but there is Kendzora, there is Kravchenko, the same Burda can play the role of the extreme defense council. Zhenya Smirny was very well shown at these meetings, including the defender's position. I think we have not risked much. Koli made a proposal and we gave him the opportunity to show himself. It was his choice and we have not stopped interfering.

– You have regularly used Sidorchuk in control matches as a central defender. Is it temporary decisions or are you considering an option with Sergey's transfer to this position?

– This is not a temporary decision. At the meeting, it is possible to see it in this position. And as showed the match of the Ukrainian championship against Alexandria, even if we lost it, Sergey played very well, very reliably. He has a good first pass when he faces the goal of the opponent. As a coach, I should not exclude this option in the future.

– With the exception of Morozyuk, can anyone else leave Dynamo?

– If at the end of February a proposal is proposed to our football player, it will fit everyone can leave the team. But to this day, all players who were in the first meeting will go to the second. With the exception of the young: Necumen goalkeeper, Popov defender and Tsitaishvili midfielder, they will travel with the Dynamo youth team in Turkey and prepare for the Junior match Champions League with Juventus. In addition, Pivarich will not be in second place: unfortunately, during the last control game, he was traumatized by the anterior cruciate ligament and is now waiting for an operation.

– Tell me, please, about the situation with Tsygankovym. There are many rumors about his possible transfer. Can you enlighten us on the structure of the club, as on the footballer?

– First of all, I will tell you how I am organized: I need this footballer. (Smiles) There is not a year yet since he plays in the main warehouse. He's a talented guy and very professional in his direct duties. There are a lot of rumors, but me, as a coach, I think it's too early to let Tsygankova go.

– Can we say that Tsitaishvili is a direct substitute for Tsygankova in the future if Victor chooses Dynamo?

– Tsitaishvili is already breathing today at the back of the same Verbich and Tsigankov

– There is another guy who has long been regarded as promising but who has finally failed to enter the main warehouse. It's about Vladislav Kalitvintsev. What happened to him in the end?

– I remember the authorities when I was still working in Dynamo Dinamo. He has many qualities: speed, left leg, last pass. If you take the statistics of his performances during the rent in "Dawn", he played successfully and regularly. But after every regular return to Dynamo, he faced health problems. I can not say why this happened, but the boy does not deserve such an attitude of fate. This player has the qualities that can be touched.

– He came to talk to you first of all about what he wanted to leave Dynamo?

– When I arrived at Dynamo, I informed the president and himself. I would like to continue for a year to continue with him the contract and see how he will continue. I saw in Kalitvintsev the footballer who could close the position of the extreme midfielder, which was a problem for us. But statistics are stubborn things. The numbers show that he spent just over 30 minutes on the field …

Vlad had a meeting in Spain, but there were also health problems. Started recruiting a form – still damage. Then, I remember, already before the game in Poltava, he had played well for the youth team and had entered the app for the match of the first team, but again, a trauma. I can not say why this happens, but the boy does not deserve such a football fate.

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